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Old 04-13-2017, 07:42 AM
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Default Back again to check in

Alright I'm back again for an update. It has been a long last few weeks, and have not been on the water.
I stopped by a buddy's house a few weeks ago to see how he was doing. He had cancer and had his stomach removed several months ago, and I hadn't heard from him so I figured I'd go see him. He lives in the country 35-40 minutes from me and when I arrived his partner and sister were there, and met me outside. They told me he lost kidney function and that he had to do dialysis. He had a dialysis appointment that day due to his kidneys shutting down and the shuttle couldn't find his farm and his sister nor his partner could get him down the 2 flights of stairs at his home on his farm. If he didn't make it to dialysis then he would die within a day or so. They were devastated, so I volunteered to take and bring him home from dialysis.

This lasted for 3 weeks, 3 days a week. Fisbee Dan lost his battle with cancer last Monday night. I didn't know Dan well, but the last 3 weeks Sarah and I spent with him we learned a lot. He was solely responsible for many disc golf courses along the eastern United States, and held world records in several disc sports.
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Old 04-13-2017, 08:13 AM
Buccaneer Buccaneer is offline
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Sorry for your loss Jeremy. Glad you were there to offer the support you could. Life is short and uncertain, get on the water and count your blessings.
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Old 04-13-2017, 10:15 AM
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Smile There are special people. <'TK><

Jeremy, after reading your post, I can somewhat relate to the subject matter but more so on You and Sarah's gift to always help when you can. Since I have known you, No matter Who, How, or When, if a person may need a little assistance in a trivial project or a person in dire need your always there to help.

I appreciate the post to remind us you never know what may be going on down the road with a friend or just one of our fellow man. God Bless .. <'TK><
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Old 04-14-2017, 09:44 AM
luckystratos luckystratos is offline
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Sorry for you loss sir. You are a great person to help someone like this. Not many people that will make that kind of commitment.
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