Originally Posted by Alphahawk
The bass fishing is still good but the bite was extremely good the last 30 days. If you want to catch crappie you can go on the dams at both Blue Cat and Shell Cracker. The bluegill and shellcracker will be there also. Catches of 100 crappie a day are possible off both dams. They like to get in the rocks....99 percent of the crappie in there are blacknose crappie...they relate to rock as well as wood. As for stopping at Franks in Riverside....well he may be there or not...you never know.
WOW, not sure how i didn't know about this lake.. I have been looking for a place for better odds of my son (5) catching bass and crappie.
I will have to check this place out.. are the crappie still accessible to the bank fisherman... our other spots have cleared out it seems!
Thanks for this report!