Cheatham 3-26-17
Went out yesterday morning out of heartland park went up the stones to try for some trout, didn't go so well had 3 bite at the boat and pulled the hook on all three. Went down river and caught a decent 15" white bass, a shadow bass, 2 nice crappie with one a 13" black nose. I packed things up and headed to the Cumberland to go for some bass and gills and ended up with about 40 gills all released except for the biggest 4 that were 9"+, caught about 10 average bass with a mix between spots and largies and one giant smallie that went 21" but was 15" around I released her later alive and kickin, caught on a ul with 4lb tes. Went down river after talking with a nice guy in a John boat that wanted some gills I told him to go cast in the middle of the creek and let it fall 8ft give it a twitch and set the hook, arrived at the last spot and first cast boom 18" white bass then a few more small spots that I ended the day on. Water temp was 56-58 everywhere I went, River was up 5ft over summer pool, everything that swims is putting on the feedbag right now so get out there and get after them I caught 10 species today