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Old 02-20-2017, 02:34 PM
MdTnBankBustin MdTnBankBustin is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 29
Default Bank fishing with 5 year old. any tips

Well we have been going out everyday the last 2 weeks (im on paternity leave and he wants to fish).

We spent most of our time at Nices mill where we have caught rainbows all winter. I will say this last week they have been really slowing up there. A combination of low water,time between stockings and warm weather are my assumptions as to why they aren't as aggressive as they usually are.

Yesterday was the first date we didn't get a limit within 2 hrs or so.

Decided to try somwhere else today. Started at west fork and I manged to pull in about 17 quality bluegills on the Panfish magnet in the pink color.

Left and went to Stewarts creek, when we got there there were birds everywhere diving and swarming.

We heard striper splashing out in front of us but nothing could get them. We tried minnows, jigs, topwater, flukes..

Anytips where I can take my little guy to catch some. I am more interested in fish biting than quality or trophy size.

I live in Lavergne but am getting burnt out on nices mill dam and preist seems impossible from the bank right now.

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