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Old 11-27-2016, 08:52 PM
Smithcotrapper Smithcotrapper is offline
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Default Fiberglass repair cost?

I have a pretty decent crack in the bottom of the hull in my boat. It's about 2-1/2' long and it leaks water pretty good. How much do you guys think it'd cost to get this fixed? Thanks
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Old 11-28-2016, 09:12 AM
SalmonDaze SalmonDaze is offline
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The last time I had a boat with a center-line crack, I brought it to a boat builder for his thoughts. It took him about 90 seconds to determine the longitudinal stringer amidships had rotted away and allowed the glass to flex until the break point. Repair costs far exceeded the value of the boat.

Boat leaked and was not safe.

I ended up taking a sawzall to the whole boat: saved lots of good hardware, the engine (of course). I chopped up the boat for two reasons: had several people ask to buy it cheap and there was no way I was having a drowned family on my conscience. Second, wanted to confirm the problem: sure enough . . . hull was entirely compromised.

Hopefully, your issue isn't as extreme as mine. In any case just be safe.
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Old 11-29-2016, 05:35 PM
goldspoon goldspoon is offline
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I have done fiberglass for years. fixed cracked swimming pools boats, jet skis and have build lamborghini bodies. If the crack is in a area where there is good access to it it may be able to be patched. The outside or side the water is on may need a patch and cosmetic repair including a gelcoat match. Prices may vary depending on a lot of things mainly material cost and labor time. I have done repairs from $300 on up depending on the damage.
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