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Old 11-17-2015, 10:00 PM
jaystaler88 jaystaler88 is offline
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Default Cheatham Firing Range-Be Careful

I was out at the Cheatham WMA range today checking my zero before the deer opener and was shooting amongst some responsible and safe individuals. About 20 minutes until dark 7 men rolled up with cigs in mouth, speaking another language I'm not sure of, and proceeded to throw coke cans about 10-15 feet in front of the shooting benches while up to 3 or 4 men at a time unloaded pistols at them. We're talking firing guns as fast as you possibly can, goofing off, not shooting from a designated station, and so on.

Now I'm all about having some fun with a gun, but the rules clearly state that there are to be no targets shot at whatsoever that aren't at the 25,50, 100 yard backstops. It is a range with no officer, so it's up to everyone to be their own range officer and obey the rules, they are in place to keep you and your buddies safe.

At an open range, everyone needs to go above and beyond with gun safety to prevent an accident, and these individuals behavior did not make me feel comfortable, so I left immediately as this idiotic display began and reported them to TWRA about blatant disregard for range rules. If you are like me and don't have access to private property, be careful and don't hesitate to call TWRA about suspicious activity, we are their eyes and ears. Hope they at least got a talking to or checked for proper permits.

If this is a topic for general discussions, please move it, I just want everyone to be aware before heading out there.
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Old 11-17-2015, 11:17 PM
TNBronzeback TNBronzeback is offline
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Im with ya there....i went to that range about 7 years ago.....that was all i needed.
People walking down range to check targets on the rifle side and people still shooting on the handgun side.
Not safe at kinda surprised its still open.
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Old 11-18-2015, 09:00 AM
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Too many refugee thugs out there for a high reward/soft target like that range, simply not worth it.
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