Originally Posted by troutburger
Happy to hear about your vision! Serious question- How difficult is it doing everyday things with vision only in 1 eye? Things like driving or trying to accurately cast without depth perception sounds difficult? Did you get used to it or did your body enhance other senses to overcome it?
I did not lose my vision in the eye. What happen is that my eye turned out and I was always seeing two of things and therefore I had to keep my eye either covered or closed.Two things which were effected the most was driving and fishing.I finally gained some experience with driving but my good eye would get fatigued after a few hours of driving. If I tried to uncover the eye my right eye would put whatever was on the right in front of me visually. First time it happen I almost rolled my truck and camper which on the truck. That is when I started covering the eye. When I would fish with both eyes i always saw two indicators and it was hard to judge distance.This is why I was only fishing with one eye.Yes it was hard to judge distance with one eye and with the condition I had.
The reason I allowed not to have my eye corrected two years a go is because the first surgeon I went to wanted to take the muscles off of both eyes and reposition them.Since I was well over 70 I decided to live with it. Well,after almost rolling the truck my wife encouraged me to see another doc.Since muscle surgery is done by pediatric opthamologist,I got a referral to one of the best here in Nashville.He said all he wanted to do was take one muscle off on right eye and move it back a little .Everyday it gets better and I am blessed that I am able to drive and fish with both eyes now.