Drum can be caught by anglers savvy enough to keep their baits away from the pesky striped bass that cruise the area. Here is a pic of me with a trophy drum, and Greg with his bycatch. He's still learning. Gizzard shad for bait. Hunters Point area.
True. The gizzards were mostly 6-8", with a couple of 10". Last weekend we caught and used a lot of the 3-4" gizzard and threadfin shad but they didn't get the bites. So this time we went strictly for the bigger shad.
The OH record for a Drum is 9 lb. 12 oz, how close were you?
Thats the record? Crud a couple years back my buddy had one that went almost 11lbs on his scale. It was a monster I want to say 28 inches long. I'll keep that in mind next time.