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Old 03-25-2015, 08:50 PM
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Default Caney Headwaters report

Water still a bit high in the gulf - all I could generate the last few trips is a follow. A lot of the creek dries up in the summer (actually just flows underground), so i don't think the fish densities are ever really high, and when it fills up the creek bed they become scattered and really hard to find. Will probably hold off for now till the water drops a few more feet and chases them back into their holes.

Still - its an absolutely gorgeous place to hike and fish, even when they aren't biting, so will share some pics and info for those inclined to visit.

This is where Bee Creek and the Caney join - about the beginning of fishable water. It picks up a little more water just downstream at Big Spring.
The good news - if you have a 4WD with decent ground clearance you can drive to this point. We hiked it Sat to scout it, then drove down yesterday. I have a stock 4 Runner, and although banged the skid plate a few times, and needed the A-trac to power through the mud holes on the way back out, its really not too bad.

Also there is a decent primitive campground at the junction, but just a few hundred yards down the river is a real jewel in the Big Spring primitive campground. Its located in a hemlock grove right at the junction of Big Spring and the Caney.

A note of caution - here is bear scat we found at the campsite. We figured the gray fur was either from a possum or an old hippy that hates guns.
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Old 03-25-2015, 08:56 PM
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Here is Big Spring - just maybe a few hundred yards upstream from the campsite. It bursts out of the bottom of a maybe 300 ft cliff and becomes a stream in its own right. i had read that once upon a time the TWRA would stock it with trout but no longer does so -( one of you old timers or trout experts would need to confirm that)

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Old 03-25-2015, 09:08 PM
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You will need to hike to get to the spots on down - some really decent holes if you don't mind the climb back out.

Don't be like me - crazy JeffsLowe (with cable) and carry your waders all the way to the bottom in an effort to overcome the high water. Its a fruitless effort. Its like trying to wade greased bowling balls covered with slug snot in a strong current - (friction co-effeccient of negative zero ) either that or bottomless muck - with not much in between. All that, plus then you have to pack your waders 2 miles and a 1000 ft up and out. Just another one of my dumb ideas.


Here is a shot of the river as it rejoins from its 3 way split at Queens island. Really a pretty spot.
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Old 03-25-2015, 09:15 PM
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Also if interest...
On the drive out we jumped a herd of maybe FORTY PLUS wild hogs. All the big russians, jet black or solid roan, with the russian features - long shaggy hair, tusks, big hump, etc.. Couldn't get close enough for a pic before they scattered, but here is where they were rooting.

(which is yet another reason I always pack my Glock 32)

Oh yeah - one more just so you guys won;t think I am totally crazy. We were back on JPP today for some "normal" fishing.
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Old 03-25-2015, 09:32 PM
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FANTASTIC photography !!!!!!

Judging from that 4th photo it looks like Merv has been there.

When I grow up I want to do some of those things that you are doing.
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Old 03-25-2015, 09:38 PM
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Nice pics and nice fish.

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Old 03-25-2015, 09:47 PM
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Very nice pics. That water is amazing. Oh yeah nice "Normal" fish
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Old 03-26-2015, 12:26 AM
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Smile Yep !!! <'TK><

Originally Posted by SAMBOLIE View Post
FANTASTIC photography !!!!!!

Judging from that 4th photo it looks like Merv has been there.

When I grow up I want to do some of those things that you are doing.
Deffiently Merv !!!!! Jeff great post and Pic's
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Old 03-26-2015, 06:37 AM
Farley Farley is offline
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Thanks for sharing! I've been trying to make it over there for years and now I know I should make it a priority.
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Old 03-26-2015, 07:10 AM
gaspergou gaspergou is offline
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I don't know about you, but I go to such places for solitude as much as fish.

Posting detailed reports about the steamplant, or JPP, or OH or even the dang Caney is one thing. Well known and/or with miles and miles or 1000s of acres of water. That stretch of river is different...

Are you just looking to not be able to find a parking space at the trailhead? Hoping to see discarded line and empty salmon egg jars along the banks?

I'm genuinely glad that you're getting out and having fun, but please...

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Old 03-26-2015, 08:23 AM
Travis C. Travis C. is offline
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Thanks for the report Jeff, absolutely beautiful scenery.
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Old 03-26-2015, 08:37 AM
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Fantastic post. Great exposure to what most of us may not even know exists. Those are some sweet crappie as well.
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Old 03-26-2015, 09:50 AM
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Originally Posted by gaspergou View Post
I don't know about you, but I go to such places for solitude as much as fish.

Posting detailed reports about the steamplant, or JPP, or OH or even the dang Caney is one thing. Well known and/or with miles and miles or 1000s of acres of water. That stretch of river is different...

Are you just looking to not be able to find a parking space at the trailhead? Hoping to see discarded line and empty salmon egg jars along the banks?

I'm genuinely glad that you're getting out and having fun, but please...

I like solitude too, and the terrain sort of takes care of that all by itself. In spite of my postings here I have yet to see another fisherman down there so far this year. And guys that do make the haul in the summer are solitude seekers as well - not really the types to trash the bank or crowd you off your hole.

But I understand your concerns - I used to feel the same way too. But when enough of the folks you used to fish with are no longer around you start thinking about helping the next generation to have the same experiences you got to enjoy.
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Old 03-26-2015, 09:50 AM
lupanfreitag lupanfreitag is offline
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Default Great pics

I need to win the lottery and live at the lake.
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