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Old 03-24-2015, 09:02 AM
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Default Rudder for yaks???

Alright boys. So when fishing out of the yak it drives me crazy how when I fish a plug or spinnerbait my yak spins. Will a rudder help keep me facing the direction I want to fish? My other biggest issue with fishing out of my yak is the spinning I get when I stop paddling to fish, always seems to be the wrong direction.
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Old 03-24-2015, 10:13 AM
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Yes, when learned how to use it properly, a rudder will cure almost all of that. I only used a rudder on a yak once, it was nice! I wasn't used to it though and it was a bit complicated at times. But get her down and you won't want to fish without one.

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Old 03-24-2015, 09:31 PM
bfish bfish is offline
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The best quick answer depends.

Many rear weight there kayak, causing it to spin. Lightening the load can help, especially if it helps level the boat. Other kayaks hull design (and seat location) tend to lead to spinning. Of course a boat that never spins would be very hard to turn, so design is a trade-off.

Also hanging a chain or dropping your anchor a few inches in the water can help (acts as a rudder, but doubles as anchor) but only if the resistances of the lure is less than that of the pseudo-rudder.

A rudder can also be a pivot point.... like an anchor on a wind day, while you stay in one spot the bow will want to face downwind, and not necessarily in the direction that you want. Although most good rudders have a degree of adjustability which gives them a wider swath of use.
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