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Old 11-21-2018, 02:31 AM
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Texas_Rig Texas_Rig is offline
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On Monday a friend and I went Center Hill. I just couldn't figure it out and didn't catch much. I caught a total of 5 fish with just one keeper smallmouth. I think my friend caught just 2. I was excited about the day because I thought the conditions were perfect to catch fish shallow and on the bank. I could not make that work. 4 of the 5 fish I caught were in 25-30 feet of water. I found a huge school of bass but they just wouldn't eat. We caught a few out of there but the spot was loaded. The school was on the deep side of a main lake point where one side of the point was a gradual slope and the other dropped steeply off into the river channel. I fished the bank a lot with mostly a Topwater with only 2 blowups and caught one small bass flipping a piece of cover. I was very surprised with the cold nights that the water was still in the 60's.

11/19/2018 Center Hill Lake 11:45am-5pm
Weather: 55 degree high temp. Cloudy with a southerly wind at 10-15mph
Water temp: 60-62

Fish 1: 12:12pm Largemouth(14.5") 1/2ounce Texas Rigged SK menace grub
Mainlake point in about 25 fow
Fish 2: 12:19pm Smallmouth (13") same bait same spot
Fish 3: 12:31pm Smallmouth(18.5") same bait as Fish 1
Caught on end of bluff near where Fish1&2 were caught
Fish 4: 2:44pm Largemouth(12") 1/2oz texas rigged SK menace grub
Flipping a beaver hut/dam in the back of a creek pocket
Fish 5: 4:50pm Smallmouth(14") 1/2 oz dirty jigs finesse football jig
Caught on the end of a boat ramp in a creek. 30 fow
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Last edited by Texas_Rig; 11-21-2018 at 06:22 PM.
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Old 12-06-2018, 09:54 AM
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Texas_Rig Texas_Rig is offline
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Posts: 1,034

I fished the Steam Plant yesterday morning with no success. It was a cold overcast morning with snow flurries. The main lake water temp was 51 and tge water temp at the barrier was 61. It seemed like a perfect morning. I arrived right at daylight. There was lots of bait at the mouth of the canal leading in but not much back in the canal. I did have a fish hammer a crankbait but no hookup. I didn't stay too long because of the lack of bait and a couple people were fishing at the entrance by the time I made it back out. I didn't see any surface activity beyond the barrier. It's just barely to early I think.
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