Thread: Reelfoot Lake
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Old 11-02-2019, 12:54 PM
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Originally Posted by butts0907 View Post
I used to fish Reelfoot all the time since I'm originally from western Kentucky. I can't speak to the entire lake, but I fished up by the Air Park. For sure, without a doubt, do NOT put a fiberglass boat in that lake. We used to watch a lot of the visitors from up north put in their expensive boats in the morning and by the evening, most of them would be at the dock or back on the trailer with busted props or holes. There are stumps everywhere. I agree with the suggestion to rent one once you get there.

As for the bass fishing, I've only bass fished it a handful of times and haven't done so since around 2008. But I've seen lots of trophy size bass come out of there, including a buddy of mine who caught one close to 9 lbs. For this part of the lake, the biggest obstacle is the fact that there's so much back water that a boat cannot get to, as well as the lack of depth. At some point, way back when, they dredged a couple of canals from the area of the lake up by the Air Park to the rest of the lake. Those canals are pretty clear (in terms of stumps) and the deepest water I ever fished up there...and it was probably in the 8-10 ft range. The other issue is that pretty much everything looks the same, in terms of water depth and cover. I do remember one guide telling us to try and find lily pads or grass that met cypress trees. I don't know why that would be so special, and never tested the suggestion, but thought I'd pass it along in case you can.

Good for snakes...and rent a boat!!
Thanks. I ended up not going but I've seen some of the bass that come out of there. The average size is supposed to be good and I know it doesn't get too much pressure from bass fishermen. I'm going to take you guys' advice and not put my bass boat in there
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