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Old 10-23-2015, 09:25 PM
TNBronzeback TNBronzeback is offline
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Originally Posted by SalmonDaze View Post
Very little fishing pressure on that lake I'll bet. I grew up in MI too. I had to do a google map search for Hubbard Lake just to find it. Mid-way between Tawas and Alpena and that far east of Grayling . . . Yea; that qualifies as the boonies (and I used to live in the UP boons).
Hubbard lake, like most northern michigan inland lakes used to be minimally fished, but with the explosion of Major League Fishing and Zonas Awesome Fishing, ect, those lakes get hit pretty hard in the past 4-5 years.
I wouldnt call it a bass fishing mecca by no means, but its ranked up there along with alot of other inland michigan lakes. KVD and Zona fish Hubbard lake quite frequently, especially for tests and demos, commercials and such. The big thing now is the western bank of lake michigan, them big fish have always been there, but if nobody is drawing attention to it, nobody pays it any attention. Lol....them giants dont just show up one day.
I remember going to watch the weigh-ins at the first Bass Master tourney ever held on St. Clair way way back when....when a 6lb smallie was a true head turner. Now a days in the spring, with all the new bass regulations for the past 10-15 years, nobody bats an eye at a 6. lol and a 6lb smallie is a big fish on any lake.
Oh a yooper huh? I did alot of fishing in Munuscong bay.....pretty good shallow walleye fishing.
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