Originally Posted by FloatNFish
Sounds like a good ole Chinese Fire Drill clearing all of your rods a couple times! Do you use any leader line to act as a shock absorber for the braid?
I just calibrated all of my line counters a couple weeks ago. I struggled with my U-Rigs last year and just never felt like I was getting them to depth. Turns out they probably were not. 4 Penn 209LC reels were only letting out around 70' of line when they read 100ft. My 2 Shimano Tekotas were not quite as far off but still were about 15ft short on 100ft reading.
It would be nice if there was some sort of on-reel calibration for the counters so that you could compensate when you snag/have to cut out some tangled line. The multi color braid seems like a pretty good working substitute. I'll have to pick some of that stuff up when it's time to respool. Does it come in a variety of sizes?
What really matters is not how many feet of line is actually out, but rather how deep is the lure running. If the line level of the spools is equal, the lures should be running the same depth. I use the Smart Troll system to determine lure depth. Once the desired lure depth is determined, record the reading on the line counter.