12-28-2017, 12:13 AM
Owner and Administrator
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Lebanon, Tennessee
Posts: 2,925
Good thinking ... <'TK><
Originally Posted by Schleprock
I know, rethinking this, have a boat that works for now but really want a decent bass boat and don't have an extra $20,000 laying around , also really reluctant to buy a used boat and someone elses problem.
Might just stick with my aluminum V bottom with a 25hp and a hand tiller trolling motor
Appreciate the info guys
Mike, Back in the 70's I won a number of Fishing Tournaments out of a Vee bottom and a 10 HP Tiller before I could afford an entry level Bass Boat. What that makes you do is become a better fisherman. No, you can't Cowboy up and down the lake at 80 MPH to seek the pattern that you think is working just to find someone else setting in your spot.
What happens is that you need to do your homework ...find a cove with all of the attributes that will produce. .. Creek channel, bluffs, Buck Bushes, Boat docks etc... Stay there all day. I guarantee there will be just as many catch-able fish there as anywhere else in the lake. <'TK><