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Old 11-23-2014, 12:58 PM
mfbab mfbab is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Memphis
Posts: 39
Exclamation Kayak Questions - What to Buy???

Hi, I'm new to the forum but I've lurked here occasionally and there seem to be some very knowledgable Kayak fishermen here, so....
I'm in the market for a Yak but I don't know much about them, I was hoping some of you guys could help me get started off right!
I searched Google and even this forum, but haven't found much help for most of the questions I have, hopefully this thread will turn into something that might help others as well as myself.

My Kayak Questions:
- I'm looking for a SOT Kayak for fishing Ponds and maybe some moderate river fishing, nothing beyond class II, but there will be rocks in the streams (Smallie/Trout water).
- I'd like to be able to stand up in it.
- I’m a complete novice, so please assume I know nothing whatsoever about this! I’ve fished my whole life and owned many boats from pond prowlers to bass boats and even one canoe, but I’ve never tried a Kayak yet.

- I see a range of around $3-400 entry level at Dicks or Walmart (Sun Dolphin, Pescador), and then up to over $1500 on the high end (Hobies, Jacksons, etc..) for the various SOT Kayaks.
- Can someone please explain the differences and whether they are performance related or more along the lines of rigging, etc?
- With a $1000 spread in the pricing, I’m thinking there must be some big differences I’m not aware of!

- Are the more expensive models heavier duty, or fiberglass construction? Or are they all roto-molded plastic?
- I would probably be using a roof rack part of the time, and sometimes a pickup truck.
- Is a trailer the best option, and if so any recommendations?

- I’ve read that I need around a 12’ Because the shorter ones won’t track as well, ie: sway during paddling or in windy conditions.
Is this good advice?

- Is it easier to stand up in one type or another?
- Does length factor into that or is it more width, or both?

- I’m assuming the SOT is the way to go for fishing. I’ve seen some info online that indicates you should put part of your initial investment into a good seat.
- What are some good seats to look into? Homemade options?
- I saw a Youtube where someone took a low profile beach chair and put it on a SOT Kayak, basically copying one of the retail models, maybe a Jackson seat? Anyone tried something similar?

I guess my biggest question is this:
- Can I buy one of the cheaper models and modify it / rig it out myself (rod holders, sonar mounts, straps, etc…) and wind up with something comparable to the higher end ones, or is there a lot more to it than that?

Thanks in advance for any help.
Sorry to ask so many questions, I just want to get set up right the first time. Unfortunately I don’t know anyone to ask personally so I thought this would be the way to go.
Also, not a lot comes up on Google searches for these kinds of comparisons. Any useful links I may have missed would be appreciated too!

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