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Old 03-25-2013, 08:18 PM
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Originally Posted by tkwalker View Post
Actually I think the have tried that once but it never went to court .... The big problem is that they (Georgia) over built Atlanta with out proper planning for H2O through the decades...

But truth be known ... I watched the special on the History Channel about this and basically said what the news article stated above...... What was actually surveyed and was actually drawn where different things... The line was to low and Georgia was supposed to have some of the Tennessee River... But since the line was drawn over 200 years ago a transition of people and domain between Tennessee and Georgia would be impossible . <'TK><
I think I have watched the same show. I see this as a revenue source for the state. We need to be selling the water to Georgia. But im sure there is some kind of government bureaucracy preventing this.

Sent from my Droid Bionic complete with typos and sarcasm.
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