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Heiny57 07-04-2023 05:57 PM

Jpp 7-4-23
Hit the water at 5:00 and ran to my favorite bait cove. It was loaded and I literally caught hundreds of 4 -5 inch shad with one throw. That usually doesn’t happen! I put about 60 in my bait tank and ran to Hamilton creek in search of Hybrids. I got on some right away and turned on my thumper to hold them there. It worked for about an hour and I ended up with 15 there with largest being 5 pounds. They thinned out there so I ran down near the dam and turned on the thumper again and a few larger ones came by. I ended up with 7 more with the largest weighing in at 7.4. I headed to the ramp at 8:30 with a really good outing for a holiday. The boat traffic was surprisingly light when I left. I hope everyone has a good 4th and stay safe.

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