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Heiny57 02-01-2023 10:29 AM

Jpp 1-29-23
My son and I put in Jefferson about 7:30 am to Crappie fish. We ran down to the straight before Fall creek and spider rigged with minnows for several hours and fought the wind with 5 keepers and the same shorts. We then ran back up river by the ramp and beyond to catch another 5 keepers and another 10 shorts till about 2:00. Every one was caught in about 15-17 ft. The water was clearer up river than down. The TVA web site said the water level was above winter pool but it sure looked like it was below. Water temp was 48. Tough day but it beat working!

XxthejuicexX 02-01-2023 12:31 PM

I fished last Saturday and the water looked to be lower than winter pool. We had our winter classic that day but I saw a bunch of people crappie fishing. Found a tree that was loaded up by the mouth of fall creek. Tried to talk my partner into just finishing out the day trying to load the boat with crappie, no luck.

Heiny57 02-02-2023 05:47 PM

LOL. How did you do?

XxthejuicexX 02-12-2023 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Heiny57 (Post 88992)
LOL. How did you do?

One keeper bass.

I had planned on getting out this weekend to crappie fish but the flu had other plans. I got sick Friday night and I am just now starting to feel somewhat OK.

Heiny57 02-13-2023 03:25 PM

I went out of 7 points yesterday despite the wind to try out a new livescope pole I mounted. I didn’t catch crap to speak of. It was too windy.

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