View Full Version : I Hate A Thief
08-20-2014, 09:37 PM
As I was getting my junk ready to go to Guntersville, I thought I had misplaced 2 rods. I remembered leaving them in the boat, but they weren't there. I searched my house and my girlfriend's house, high and low. Nowhere to be found. I had plenty of equipment to take, but I really wanted to take these rods.
For the whole 2 days, I have had these rods on my mind. I finally started thinking about suspects. One immediately came to mind, a neighbor's grandson. He bought a boat in July and couldn't afford life jackets, so he asked to borrow mine, which I declined. So, I stopped by there on my way home tonite to see his new boat and talk fishing. When I looked in his rod locker, there was my 2 rods. Nobody was home, so I left.
I called his grandfather and told him we needed to talk. When I got back there, he had removed the rods. His grandfather made him go get all of his rods. There were my rods. I got them back.
I fish Powell rods and the reels were Shimano Chronarchs, Left-Hand. $200 for the rod, $200 for the reel. I had them spooled with 65# braid. Possibly a combination that 1 in 5,000 fishermen would use. Easy to identify.
This kid was sworn-in to the USMC last week. Would you prosecute him for felony theft, or let the Marines take care of his attitude?
08-20-2014, 10:13 PM
Both! Zero tolerance for that mess! And still possibly give him a thumping in a dark alley!
08-20-2014, 10:54 PM
Tell his recruiter.
08-21-2014, 12:11 AM
Pookie .... He's a kid ... You got your stuff back .. Now if he stole it and sold it ... different ball game ... Now you know me .. I take No Prisoners ... But I think the military will take care of his problem especially the Marines ... don't report him to the recruiters ... If he has a a problem or a record he won't get in the military ...
The marines is where he needs to be ... A Big Eye opener !!!
If he still pursues this theft addiction while in the service ... He will get caught and the Scales of justice will prevail ... <'TK>< :eek:
08-21-2014, 04:17 AM
Pookie .... He's a kid ... You got your stuff back .. Now if he stole it and sold it ... different ball game ... Now you know me .. I take No Prisoners ... But I think the military will take care of his problem especially the Marines ... don't report him to the recruiters ... If he has a a problem or a record he won't get in the military ...
The marines is where he needs to be ... A Big Eye opener !!!
If he still pursues this theft addiction while in the service ... He will get caught and the Scales of justice will prevail ... <'TK>< :eek:
08-21-2014, 05:17 AM
Pookie .... He's a kid ... You got your stuff back .. Now if he stole it and sold it ... different ball game ... Now you know me .. I take No Prisoners ... But I think the military will take care of his problem especially the Marines ... don't report him to the recruiters ... If he has a a problem or a record he won't get in the military ...
The marines is where he needs to be ... A Big Eye opener !!!
If he still pursues this theft addiction while in the service ... He will get caught and the Scales of justice will prevail ... <'TK>< :eek:
What he said...he will either rise to the top or sink dealing with UCMJ should he not see the light.
08-21-2014, 05:54 AM
on the other hand he is old enough to take out behind the barn and kick his ass.............woody
Travis C.
08-21-2014, 06:27 AM
That stinks and maybe the kid will learn then again most theifs are just that a theif.
The last thing since you got your stuff back to do is give him an ass whoopin even though it may be deserved. The days are far gone by when you could just do that and both parties involved understand then accept the outcome. Would hate for this to be prolonged down the road after the fact with his new brothers and pay the guy who "jumped" him a visit.
Not saying that because of him going into the service just in general. This country aint country anymore where respect was earned and people took punishment for what they do.
08-21-2014, 07:09 AM
What he said...he will either rise to the top or sink dealing with UCMJ should he not see the light.
The way the system works (regarding Law Enforcement) is that a report is taken, then it goes to CID for investigation. I spoke with the Capt over CID last night (another fishing buddy) about this. He told me to go ahead and make the report before I did anything. That way, the description would be validated. He is to call me this morning and we will make a decision on what to do. Had things gotten funky last night, I know what I would have done. At this point, the rods have been recovered, the kid admitted to the theft, and both grandfather and kid have apologized.
This character flaw will surface again. When it does, it will be the government's problem, and I'm sure they will know how to handle it. I've done all I am going to do. I'm not happy, but at least I got my rods back.
I know that TK wants to keep politics out of a fishing site, and I am good with that. This isn't political, but more a state of affairs kinda thing. This kid has been coddled all his life. Every time he got in trouble, it has always been somebody else's fault. If one of my family's friends had come to my father at 19 and told him I stole anything from them, the Marine Corp or jail would have been the least of my worries. Spare the rod...
08-21-2014, 07:59 AM
pookie .... He's a kid ... You got your stuff back .. Now if he stole it and sold it ... Different ball game ... Now you know me .. I take no prisoners ... But i think the military will take care of his problem especially the marines ... Don't report him to the recruiters ... If he has a a problem or a record he won't get in the military ...
The marines is where he needs to be ... A big eye opener !!!
If he still pursues this theft addiction while in the service ... He will get caught and the scales of justice will prevail ... <'tk>< :eek:
08-21-2014, 08:05 AM
Pookie .... He's a kid ... You got your stuff back .. Now if he stole it and sold it ... different ball game ... Now you know me .. I take No Prisoners ... But I think the military will take care of his problem especially the Marines ... don't report him to the recruiters ... If he has a a problem or a record he won't get in the military ...
The marines is where he needs to be ... A Big Eye opener !!!
If he still pursues this theft addiction while in the service ... He will get caught and the Scales of justice will prevail ... <'TK>< :eek:
X5 and maybe offer him some extra rods and reels if you have some.
And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also. Luke 6:29
08-21-2014, 09:15 AM
X5 and maybe offer him some extra rods and reels if you have some.
And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also. Luke 6:29
Great Word! But a tough one to follow!
08-21-2014, 09:41 AM guys are alot more tolerable than me!
I cant say i agree with the idea of him being a kid. Dont ya have to be 18 to volunteer for the military? I thought they made it 18 so you were classified as an adult and old enough to make concious decisions on your actions.
Maybe im too mean or strict or something.
When would a person be old enough to not be considered a kid in a situation like this? 20? 30?
I understand the argument of letting the military straighten him out and maybe it will....but i dont think thats a free pass if your still classified as a civillian.
Just my thoughts though.
08-21-2014, 09:45 AM
Great Word! But a tough one to follow!
Yeah it is, I struggle with it daily. Sometimes the scriptures shine the light on me where I need it the most. I would struggle with this situation also but that is what came to my mind. It is a lot easier to quote it than to practice it.
08-21-2014, 10:10 AM
And still possibly give him a thumping in a dark alley!
A poor choice for a supposedly grown mature man to react to a stolen fishing rod.
Also, thumpings don't always go as planned. You may find yourself the thumpee.
08-21-2014, 10:52 AM
A poor choice for a supposedly grown mature man to react to a stolen fishing rod.
Also, thumpings don't always go as planned. You may find yourself the thumpee.
Its always easy to downgrade somebody elses issues when your not effected by it.
To you, its just a simple stolen fishing pole....just biggie.
To him it may have sentimental value, birthday gift from kids, deceased fathers favorite rod....ect. I dont know if thats the case or not, but it shouldnt matter either way
What was stolen is irrelivent. The point i was making is as a society with 18 year old "kids" there is zero accountability anymore. When i was growing up....a true kid 7-8 years old, if i took something without asking, i got the belt and sore a$$.....and the lesson to never steal.
Today we have timeouts and turned backs.
How do i know? Burglurized 2 times successfully and a 3rd time failed. Items never recovered, but as a thanks my insurance premiums almost doubled where as the "kids" ranging from 8-19 years old (there were 5 of them total in my house) got a few months probation, slaps on the wrist.
So yeah, im a little jaded on the "not a big deal, just X that got stolen but ya got it back"
08-21-2014, 11:32 AM
Its always easy to downgrade somebody elses issues when your not effected by it.
To you, its just a simple stolen fishing pole....just biggie.
To him it may have sentimental value, birthday gift from kids, deceased fathers favorite rod....ect. I dont know if thats the case or not, but it shouldnt matter either way
What was stolen is irrelivent. The point i was making is as a society with 18 year old "kids" there is zero accountability anymore. When i was growing up....a true kid 7-8 years old, if i took something without asking, i got the belt and sore a$$.....and the lesson to never steal.
Today we have timeouts and turned backs.
How do i know? Burglurized 2 times successfully and a 3rd time failed. Items never recovered, but as a thanks my insurance premiums almost doubled where as the "kids" ranging from 8-19 years old (there were 5 of them total in my house) got a few months probation, slaps on the wrist.
So yeah, im a little jaded on the "not a big deal, just X that got stolen but ya got it back"
I never said it wasn't a big deal and the perpetrator shouldn't be punished. It is just that your way is wrong and illegal.
Yes I have had trail cameras, deer stands, and a host of other things taken from me over the years. The knee jerk reaction is to kick ass but that is not the solution.
If that is what you want to do then by all means, punch someone in the face over great grand dads reel and see how fast you find yourself in handcuffs and in jail.
08-21-2014, 11:48 AM
I never said it wasn't a big deal and the perpetrator shouldn't be punished. It is just that your way is wrong and illegal.
Yes I have had trail cameras, deer stands, and a host of other things taken from me over the years. The knee jerk reaction is to kick ass but that is not the solution.
If that is what you want to do then by all means, punch someone in the face over great grand dads reel and see how fast you find yourself in handcuffs and in jail.
Im full agreement with you and anybody else that says a form a street justice is the wrong way to go.....i couldnt agree more, but more cases than not, a pop to nose will leave a longer lasting impression and a second thought if they decide to break the law again more so than most litigation will provide. And like ya said that would more than likely get ya some legal problems of your own.
Sad the way that works.
I didnt want that to cause problems with anybody on here or anything just to be clear.
Im not looking to attack anybody verbally with my rants, it just hits home ya know. The victims, in 1 way or another get the shaft more often then not it seems.
08-21-2014, 12:23 PM
Once a millenium ago in Illinois, I had all my rods in my parents garage which was never closed, doors never locked. Someone came by in the dark and grabbed most of my rods. Luckily, unfortunately, most were two pcs and separated. The robber grabbed blindly. ...
Therefore the next day I found half my rods, mostly the tops.
Never caught the culprit but still pissed to this day. I can forgive much but not theft..... of my fishing stuff.
08-22-2014, 08:43 AM
This young man is NOT a kid. At 19 I was starting a family and working 60 to 70 hours a week. Will he up his game next time? It is too bad that street justice is against the law. Will the next person that he steals from or hurts also think he is just a kid and walk away? When he is 40 will he still be stealing from his friends and relatives? I hand it to him for joining the Marines. I question whether he will even make it thru boot camp. If he doesn't make it thru boot camp will he break into you house two months from now knowing that you will be OK with it?
08-22-2014, 10:03 PM
I question whether he will even make it thru boot camp.
Me too.
I am in full agreement with you about his age vs. adulthood. They are rioting in the streets of Ferguson Mo. regarding about the same thing.
08-22-2014, 11:59 PM
This young man is NOT a kid. At 19 I was starting a family and working 60 to 70 hours a week. Will he up his game next time? It is too bad that street justice is against the law. Will the next person that he steals from or hurts also think he is just a kid and walk away? When he is 40 will he still be stealing from his friends and relatives? I hand it to him for joining the Marines. I question whether he will even make it thru boot camp. If he doesn't make it thru boot camp will he break into you house two months from now knowing that you will be OK with it?
50 years ago I married my now bride at the age of 19 ... Yes from 16 years old until I graduated at 18 I went to school and worked at a Chevron Full service gas station .... 40 hours a week until I graduated then it was 6 days at 12 hours a day for $70 a week on Wednesdays I was the assistant manager . And I thought I was a real success ...But I was still a Kid...
rditze ... I see you are 2 years younger than I. (I don't know if you are veteran , If so thank you for your service) ... ... So we almost came up under the same culture ... ... Here is the difference at 19 I was still a kid !! Until I went into the military at the age of 20 ... The military will make you a man or degrade you 6 feet lower than Whale SXXX ...
When I said the Military will make a man of you ... Prime example ... Basic Training ... 1966 ... We had a thief in the barracks who got caught ... He was from Chicago, a Hard core punk !! ... After we caught him peer justice set in ... The TI never questioned the next day about the black eyes, fat lip, or bruises ... It doesn't have to be the legal system who corrects the problems in the military ...
So this is why I think the military will correct the problem ... Now lets regress ... I hate a thief ... But this kid wanted to fish ... He did not sell the gear for drugs etc. ... Everything recovered ... Still not an excuse for stealing ... But most people in this time frame of their lives have done dishonest or unethical things .. even maybe stealing someone else's girl friends Heart !! ... <'TK>< :rolleyes:;)
08-23-2014, 10:31 AM
You TK are correct. We don't always make good decisions @ 19. Then again we don't always make good decisions at 60 either. The is a point in life when each individual must take responsibility for his actions. In my opinion that time is several years before we reach 19.
One of my daughters was seen eating at a Burger King when she and her girl friend were supposed to be in school. She was 16 at the time. The girl friends dad saw them. He called me and asked if I cared it he called the school and turned them in for skipping. I said they need to be turned in. It cost me several hours and $$ driving to the school after hours to pick her up while she was on detention but she needed to understand her responsibility. My wife's baby sister never learned that cause daddy always bailed her out. Daddy died a couple years ago so now one of the brothers is bailing her out and he is getting sick of it. Her sister is now 50 and still floating bad checks and other stupid stuff "because she can get away with it".....
08-23-2014, 11:35 AM
You know right and wrong way before 19. If the kids wanted to fish that bad and needed gear, ask. I know I have extra rods and reels laying around I never use. I gave a set to a co worker last year that wanted to get into fishing. I am 30, I know when I was his age I was working full time and in school part time. I have worked for what I have and by God someone who want's to steal from me they deserve to be pistol whipped, multiple times. We had some teens breaking into vehicles and garages two years ago. They got a pistol and my GPS from my truck one night, broke into about 5 trucks and 1 garage that night. They eventually got busted because my neighbor had security footage. Nothing really happened to them, I say let them work it off for the neighborhood. If you wronged us let us make it right.
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