View Full Version : New MinnKota 112# Terrova
07-09-2014, 08:44 AM
Well, I am almost three weeks into my saga of the bad MinnKota Terrova 36V that won't run on any setting over 7.
C & O Marine has had it for almost two weeks after Tracker Marine had it for a
Neither can find the problem. C & O thought it was a motherboard so he ordered a new one from MinnKota, installed it and that didn't fix anything.
Now, they have never called me to update me on anything they were doing or to give me a progress report on it.
I've called about once a week to find out what was going on. C & O told me today they were going to send the motor back to MinnKota and let them fix it.
NICE! It's unbelievable that I paid almost $2000.00 for a trolling motor that doesn't work, can't be fixed and haven't been offered any solutions to my problem. I can't imagine what I would be doing now if I had not had a backup trolling motor for my boat!
I'm going to call MinnKota today and see if they'll just offer a replacement instead of making me wait another two weeks for anything to happen.
07-09-2014, 09:01 AM
Marine Electric Service in Hendersonville is a Minn Kota dealer and service center. 615-824-3205;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAA f8/9hAAAACXBIWXMAAA7EAAAOxAGVKw4bAAAKT2lDQ1BQaG90b3No b3AgSUNDIHByb2ZpbGUAAHjanVNnVFPpFj333vRCS4iAlEtvUh UIIFJCi4AUkSYqIQkQSoghodkVUcERRUUEG8igiAOOjoCMFVEs DIoK2AfkIaKOg6OIisr74Xuja9a89+bN/rXXPues852zzwfACAyWSDNRNYAMqUIeEeCDx8TG4eQuQIEKJHA AEAizZCFz/SMBAPh+PDwrIsAHvgABeNMLCADATZvAMByH/w/qQplcAYCEAcB0kThLCIAUAEB6jkKmAEBGAYCdmCZTAKAEAGDLY 2LjAFAtAGAnf+bTAICd+Jl7AQBblCEVAaCRACATZYhEAGg7AKz PVopFAFgwABRmS8Q5ANgtADBJV2ZIALC3AMDOEAuyAAgMADBRi IUpAAR7AGDIIyN4AISZABRG8lc88SuuEOcqAAB4mbI8uSQ5RYF bCC1xB1dXLh4ozkkXKxQ2YQJhmkAuwnmZGTKBNA/g88wAAKCRFRHgg/P9eM4Ors7ONo62Dl8t6r8G/yJiYuP+5c+rcEAAAOF0ftH+LC+zGoA7BoBt/qIl7gRoXgugdfeLZrIPQLUAoOnaV/Nw+H48PEWhkLnZ2eXk5NhKxEJbYcpXff5nwl/AV/1s+X48/Pf14L7iJIEyXYFHBPjgwsz0TKUcz5IJhGLc5o9H/LcL//wd0yLESWK5WCoU41EScY5EmozzMqUiiUKSKcUl0v9k4t8s+wM+ 3zUAsGo+AXuRLahdYwP2SycQWHTA4vcAAPK7b8HUKAgDgGiD4c 93/+8//UegJQCAZkmScQAAXkQkLlTKsz/HCAAARKCBKrBBG/TBGCzABhzBBdzBC/xgNoRCJMTCQhBCCmSAHHJgKayCQiiGzbAdKmAv1EAdNMBRaIaT cA4uwlW4Dj1wD/phCJ7BKLyBCQRByAgTYSHaiAFiilgjjggXmYX4IcFIBBKLJCDJ iBRRIkuRNUgxUopUIFVIHfI9cgI5h1xGupE7yAAygvyGvEcxlI GyUT3UDLVDuag3GoRGogvQZHQxmo8WoJvQcrQaPYw2oefQq2gP 2o8+Q8cwwOgYBzPEbDAuxsNCsTgsCZNjy7EirAyrxhqwVqwDu4 n1Y8+xdwQSgUXACTYEd0IgYR5BSFhMWE7YSKggHCQ0EdoJNwkD hFHCJyKTqEu0JroR+cQYYjIxh1hILCPWEo8TLxB7iEPENyQSiU MyJ7mQAkmxpFTSEtJG0m5SI+ksqZs0SBojk8naZGuyBzmULCAr yIXkneTD5DPkG+Qh8lsKnWJAcaT4U+IoUspqShnlEOU05QZlmD JBVaOaUt2ooVQRNY9aQq2htlKvUYeoEzR1mjnNgxZJS6WtopXT GmgXaPdpr+h0uhHdlR5Ol9BX0svpR+iX6AP0dwwNhhWDx4hnKB mbGAcYZxl3GK+YTKYZ04sZx1QwNzHrmOeZD5lvVVgqtip8FZHK CpVKlSaVGyovVKmqpqreqgtV81XLVI+pXlN9rkZVM1PjqQnUlq tVqp1Q61MbU2epO6iHqmeob1Q/pH5Z/YkGWcNMw09DpFGgsV/jvMYgC2MZs3gsIWsNq4Z1gTXEJrHN2Xx2KruY/R27iz2qqaE5QzNKM1ezUvOUZj8H45hx+Jx0TgnnKKeX836K3hT vKeIpG6Y0TLkxZVxrqpaXllirSKtRq0frvTau7aedpr1Fu1n7g Q5Bx0onXCdHZ4/OBZ3nU9lT3acKpxZNPTr1ri6qa6UbobtEd79up+6Ynr5egJ5Mb 6feeb3n+hx9L/1U/W36p/VHDFgGswwkBtsMzhg8xTVxbzwdL8fb8VFDXcNAQ6VhlWGX4YSR udE8o9VGjUYPjGnGXOMk423GbcajJgYmISZLTepN7ppSTbmmKa Y7TDtMx83MzaLN1pk1mz0x1zLnm+eb15vft2BaeFostqi2uGVJ suRaplnutrxuhVo5WaVYVVpds0atna0l1rutu6cRp7lOk06rnt Znw7Dxtsm2qbcZsOXYBtuutm22fWFnYhdnt8Wuw+6TvZN9un2N/T0HDYfZDqsdWh1+c7RyFDpWOt6azpzuP33F9JbpL2dYzxDP2DP jthPLKcRpnVOb00dnF2e5c4PziIuJS4LLLpc+Lpsbxt3IveRKd PVxXeF60vWdm7Obwu2o26/uNu5p7ofcn8w0nymeWTNz0MPIQ+BR5dE/C5+VMGvfrH5PQ0+BZ7XnIy9jL5FXrdewt6V3qvdh7xc+9j5yn+ M+4zw33jLeWV/MN8C3yLfLT8Nvnl+F30N/I/9k/3r/0QCngCUBZwOJgUGBWwL7+Hp8Ib+OPzrbZfay2e1BjKC5QRVBj4 KtguXBrSFoyOyQrSH355jOkc5pDoVQfujW0Adh5mGLw34MJ4WH hVeGP45wiFga0TGXNXfR3ENz30T6RJZE3ptnMU85ry1KNSo+qi 5qPNo3ujS6P8YuZlnM1VidWElsSxw5LiquNm5svt/87fOH4p3iC+N7F5gvyF1weaHOwvSFpxapLhIsOpZATIhOOJTwQ RAqqBaMJfITdyWOCnnCHcJnIi/RNtGI2ENcKh5O8kgqTXqS7JG8NXkkxTOlLOW5hCepkLxMDUzdm zqeFpp2IG0yPTq9MYOSkZBxQqohTZO2Z+pn5mZ2y6xlhbL+xW6 Lty8elQfJa7OQrAVZLQq2QqboVFoo1yoHsmdlV2a/zYnKOZarnivN7cyzytuQN5zvn//tEsIS4ZK2pYZLVy0dWOa9rGo5sjxxedsK4xUFK4ZWBqw8uIq2K m3VT6vtV5eufr0mek1rgV7ByoLBtQFr6wtVCuWFfevc1+1dT1g vWd+1YfqGnRs+FYmKrhTbF5cVf9go3HjlG4dvyr+Z3JS0qavEu WTPZtJm6ebeLZ5bDpaql+aXDm4N2dq0Dd9WtO319kXbL5fNKNu 7g7ZDuaO/PLi8ZafJzs07P1SkVPRU+lQ27tLdtWHX+G7R7ht7vPY07NXbW7 z3/T7JvttVAVVN1WbVZftJ+7P3P66Jqun4lvttXa1ObXHtxwPSA/0HIw6217nU1R3SPVRSj9Yr60cOxx++/p3vdy0NNg1VjZzG4iNwRHnk6fcJ3/ceDTradox7rOEH0x92HWcdL2pCmvKaRptTmvtbYlu6T8w+0dbq 3nr8R9sfD5w0PFl5SvNUyWna6YLTk2fyz4ydlZ19fi753GDbor Z752PO32oPb++6EHTh0kX/i+c7vDvOXPK4dPKy2+UTV7hXmq86X23qdOo8/pPTT8e7nLuarrlca7nuer21e2b36RueN87d9L158Rb/1tWeOT3dvfN6b/fF9/XfFt1+cif9zsu72Xcn7q28T7xf9EDtQdlD3YfVP1v+3Njv3H9q wHeg89HcR/cGhYPP/pH1jw9DBY+Zj8uGDYbrnjg+OTniP3L96fynQ89kzyaeF/6i/suuFxYvfvjV69fO0ZjRoZfyl5O/bXyl/erA6xmv28bCxh6+yXgzMV70VvvtwXfcdx3vo98PT+R8IH8o/2j5sfVT0Kf7kxmTk/8EA5jz/GMzLdsAAAAgY0hSTQAAeiUAAICDAAD5/wAAgOkAAHUwAADqYAAAOpgAABdvkl/FRgAAAaNJREFUeNqk009oz3Ecx/HH9/P9/YQRWSi2MGmNrebkpJgSLluKEw5Kk5zUsgMOTrO42MUVxUWRg+L gaPWbUGq7rRk7sExKNPt9vx8H32l921z2vrw+n3fvz/Pz/vP5JDFGy7HKwk1/fz/sR09VNjAZG6fv1buQHcZm3P8vAMfwCKswncoHCn8nbuAratiEU QglwLXiMJz/FhvWYC9OFb4htBV6B9VyBtsKzRJxbDhvbSS5i1kcQo736MNrjJ cBeaG3MuFyInagA0fwckHcGzzGiXIJU38bk1U+x3W+x7U/yOvYU4prwG5MlAHPoS4925TMNDeHLxNUh0gGcRC9eFqk34TBMu AhfmL9b5Vz3elIbAmfLq02d4HQhbc4gBYcxUgZMFrcIJecrsga T6avdl6sPqu1hw9XSWs4U5Q6udgYFfP+he25MEysVWQvutORLc fTYax4gn3z/VoM8A7Xi/WuKNmQCRujpLc1TGkP46hOI1sKADdxG3PzjkzoTNCT1rSFiX+P uLIEoI4rGC+6/xEPMsFKs7YmM8bsAMlyf2OwTPszAMZMeayGCpJVAAAAAElFTkS uQmCC (
07-09-2014, 09:08 AM
Marine Electric Service was a dealer. It is closed now. I tried to call them last week.
07-09-2014, 10:13 AM
Mike Smith, who owned Marine Electric Service, closed his shop there in Hendersonville last year.
He now works for Tracker Marine in Hendersonville on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
BUT! They do not do WARRANTY work on Minnkota motors unless they were purchased there or Bass Pro Shop.
Believe me, I know, they had the trolling motor for a week without letting me know this. The only way I found out was by having Minnkota call Tracker Marine and check on the status of my motor. Tracker then called me and told me about their policy. Then I had to go pick it up from them and drive an hour to C & O Marine in White Bluff, TN and give it to them. They are an authorized repair center. But Dave wasn't able to find the problem and fix it, so he is going to ship it back to Minnkota for repairs.
Looks like it'll be another three weeks before I hear anything.
Catch & Release
07-09-2014, 11:03 AM
Hate to hear all the problems you are having, I had a couple problems with mine when I first received it, but a new motherboard and 6 gauge wire from batteries to trolling motor fixed my problems. And now I absolutely love this motor, it is an amazing piece of equipment.
When I called minn kota(this was probably a couple months ago) they told me tracker marine in Hendersonville was an approved repair shop for warranty work, maybe something has changed since then.
Also another bit of advice, I initially was not happy with the response I was getting from customer service. So I posted my frustrations on their facebook page and they responded in a timely manner and took care of me very quickly.
Catch & Release
07-09-2014, 11:07 AM
Also the phone number for Marine electric service still works, it just belongs to tracker marine now.
And if Im not mistaken Mike Cole is the name your thinking of who used to own Marine Electric Service and now works at Tracker Marine.
I hope they get your fixed up soon.
07-09-2014, 04:55 PM
My bad, you are correct. It is Mike Cole, not Smith.
And Tracker Marine is authorized to do warranty work, BUT they will only do warranty work on Minnkota motors purchased from them or from Bass Pro Shops. If it was purchased elsewhere, they WILL NOT do warranty work on the motor.
Luckily for me, I had a Terrova 101# thrust TM on my bass boat and am able to still run my guide service. If I had not have had the extra motor, I would not have taken mine off the boat and sent it in for repairs. I would have waited until winter when the business slows dramatically. Better to limp along and keep working than to be dead in the water.
And as Catch & Release said, I love the Terrova w/Ipilot, that is why when I bought my new boat, I wanted the latest and greatest. Unfortunately, it looks like I got a lemon. I tried the trick of six gauge wire, even took the batteries and moved them to within 6 feet of the TM WITH the six gauge wire thinking that might solve the problem. Nope, same thing. I took it to the lake, dropped it in, took off from the dock, kicked the TM on 10, ran about 15 seconds and shut off. Turned it down to 9, same thing. 8, same thing. 7, same thing. 6, Ran all day.
Nothing mattered, using foot pedal or remote. Wouldn't continue to run on any setting over 6.5.
Called Minnkota this morning, told the tech what was going on. He said company policy is to repair the motor, never send out a new motor. The warranty is good for two years (hope I get it back before then) and it doesn't matter if the motor fails from day 1 or day 729.
I think I'll go on their FB page and bitch a little there.
Catch & Release
07-09-2014, 06:00 PM
Called Minnkota this morning, told the tech what was going on. He said company policy is to repair the motor, never send out a new motor. The warranty is good for two years (hope I get it back before then) and it doesn't matter if the motor fails from day 1 or day 729.
I think I'll go on their FB page and bitch a little there.[/QUOTE]
Thats a shame that they wont replace the motor, I would try the facebook thing and see how that works, they called me within a couple hours of posting. I started to tell you I have an extra remote you could try but if it wont work with pedal that might not help.
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