View Full Version : Nashvillefishingguides.com's new logo

06-17-2014, 04:06 PM
This is our new official logo. It will be printed on our business cards and any future T-shirts we have printed up.
The logo was designed and drawn by a most talented gentleman, Jack Schafer of Naperville, IL. He has hand drawn EVERY cover of the Northwest's free fishing and hunting magazine, Midwest Outdoors, since it's inception. I'm guessing 25 years or more (correct me if I'm way off Jack Schafer (https://www.facebook.com/jack.schafer.90)).
I was floored when he called and asked if he could throw together some designs/ideas and put them in rough sketch form. How could ANYONE refuse such an offer?? BUT.......
After collecting my thoughts, I told him I'd need a week or two to mull it over as I had Norman Rockwell on the line and he was proposing to paint a special retro picture for our logo, not to mention that Rembrandt and Van Gogh were also bidding on the honors. Michaelangelo also sent down word that he could come up with some HEAVENLY pictures that he would gladly draw up for us.
Eventually I caved to Jack's wife's threat of coming down and kicking my little (but cute!) hillbilly ass if I DARED let anyone else design/draw the logo. And so what you see is Jack's rendition of a crappie? that he thinks we should use as our official logo. Whatty'all think?

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06-17-2014, 11:56 PM
Merv, I gave this 5 stars ... but I am sure your competitors will cut it to 3 stars average with their 1 star vote ... LOL !!!! <'TK>< :)

06-18-2014, 06:22 AM
I think it says you all fish for crappie....LOL. Are you not fishing as much for sport since you started the guiding?


06-18-2014, 07:51 AM
Looks awesome, Merv! You have shirts made with the logo and contact info? I'll buy one. I frequently converse with people at the boat ramps while loading/unloading my yak so maybe I could send some business your way.

06-18-2014, 08:42 AM
Jimmy, I don't have any made with the new logo. I just have some like the ones showing in our FB page.

I need to have an assortment of sizes made for friends and clients that want one.

I have to take the templates to the T-shirt printer guy and see if he can use them.

I'll let you know when I get some made.

06-18-2014, 08:48 AM
Alpha, I do still fish for the fun of it and to stay on top of where the fish are and what they want.
I usually bring home a dozen or so and give them away to friends and neighbors.

Right now, if I go fishing, I'm on the water by 5:30 and off by 11 to beat the heat