View Full Version : I gotta sell my boat to get my son

12-25-2013, 01:44 AM
As a lot of you know we have been in the adoption process for over a year now. Long story short when we started this process we were told about $25K and 2 years (Oct 2012). This has dramatically changed to about $35K and traveling this Feb/March (18 months) so push has come to shove and I'm gonna sell my 2003 pro 165 with 25hp merc. I need some feedback here because I'm wondering if I should just try to sell it or do a raffle for it and some other items to try and generate more money at this point I need to raise about $5k or so and I know my boat isn't worth that. Share your thoughts please!! Also here is the followup video from the project we did this fall to raise money check it out it has pictures of my son


Fish Whisperer
01-01-2014, 11:09 PM
I'm not in the market for another boat, but would like to help you get your son. Do you have a donate link?

01-02-2014, 09:59 PM
I'm not in the market for another boat, but would like to help you get your son. Do you have a donate link?

Thank you for that FISH WHISPERER, the you tube video link at the bottom has all the info.

01-03-2014, 12:00 AM
I'm wondering if I should just try to sell it or do a raffle for it and some other items

Doesn't seem to be any shortage of those in the know here, but you might want to check the law before offering a private raffle.