View Full Version : Kayak lights

09-23-2013, 08:41 PM
I love lights. With that being said I have started putting them on the kayak.

09-23-2013, 08:57 PM
Very cool!!

Reel Tune
09-24-2013, 07:36 AM
Looks good Jimmy. When I find the kayak or kayaks I want to stay with I'll end up pimping it out. Super Nova is one of our sponsors for this Saturday, and they have a nice prize set up http://www.supernovafishinglights.com/kayak-lights

09-24-2013, 07:50 AM
Looks good Jimmy. When I find the kayak or kayaks I want to stay with I'll end up pimping it out. Super Nova is one of our sponsors for this Saturday, and they have a nice prize set up http://www.supernovafishinglights.com/kayak-lights

It's Joey.
I looked at supernova but I ended up with Blue Water because they had some that were 100% Submersible.
I wanted to fish Saturday but I signed up to be a Co-Angler in the BFL this Saturday and Sunday.

Reel Tune
09-24-2013, 08:40 AM
Sorry Joey.

I've never used the Super Nova lights so I don't know much about them, can you send me a link to the Blue Water?

You can learn a lot from being a Co-Angler, good luck.

09-24-2013, 09:00 AM
Sent a PM

09-24-2013, 09:51 PM
On the water

09-25-2013, 08:27 PM
Cool set up! I love the LED lights too :D