06-11-2013, 03:05 PM
Throughout the ordeal with the Corps of Engineers, our legislators at State and Federal level represented the people of Tennessee magnificently. No one in any state could have asked for more. But in the months of battle, our Attorney General's office was conspicuously quiet. This, in spite of the fact that there are actually several statutes within Tennessee Code, that prohibit anyone from placing navigational impediments in our rivers and lakes.
I have written and emailed Deputy AG Barry Turner (listed on the AG web site as representing the interests of the TWRA), and asked that the office of the AG finally get involved, and for that office to encourage the Corps to comply with State, and now Federal law, and remove the buoys from the Cumberland's tail-waters. As it was in the initial struggle, the Office of the Attorney General has yet to offer the courtesy of a reply; subsequently leaving one with the notion that they will do what they did before. Nothing... Our legislators heard thousands of voices as one loud roar. Maybe we need to turn up the volume for the AG's office to hear us. Please - email Barry.Turner@AG.TN.Gov. Ask him to tell the Corps, its time to put on the big-boy pants now, and get their junk out of our river.
I have written and emailed Deputy AG Barry Turner (listed on the AG web site as representing the interests of the TWRA), and asked that the office of the AG finally get involved, and for that office to encourage the Corps to comply with State, and now Federal law, and remove the buoys from the Cumberland's tail-waters. As it was in the initial struggle, the Office of the Attorney General has yet to offer the courtesy of a reply; subsequently leaving one with the notion that they will do what they did before. Nothing... Our legislators heard thousands of voices as one loud roar. Maybe we need to turn up the volume for the AG's office to hear us. Please - email Barry.Turner@AG.TN.Gov. Ask him to tell the Corps, its time to put on the big-boy pants now, and get their junk out of our river.