View Full Version : Corps Press Release

04-30-2013, 03:46 PM
Today, the Army Corps of Engineers posted the following News Release:

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District is beginning to implement permanent full-time waterborne restrictions around the 10 dams on the Cumberland River and its tributaries this week. Enforcement of these restrictions will be effective when the placement of buoys and sufficient signs is completed at each dam.

The installation of buoys and signs will continue through the spring and summer of 2013. The district will not be installing physical barriers at this time. Buoys and signs will be used to mark the restricted areas.

The district will be coordinating enforcement of the restrictions with the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources and the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency.
Please be aware that according to some very reliable sources, the last paragraph above is classic El Toro Poo Poo... Senators Alexander and McConnell have already responded. They are not sanctioning the installation of a single buoy nor any other device that restricts access to the tail-waters 24-7. Neither KDFWR nor TWRA will 'enforce' said restrictions; and federal law prevents the USACE from doing it. (Google 'Posse Comitatus Act')

The fight goes on. But, the other guy has a nose bleed. Your comments to your State legislators are getting through! I received notes today from Senators Jim Tracy and Terri Lynn Weaver, who said she was calling the Attorney General - again. Never Give up!

04-30-2013, 04:02 PM
Thanks for the update.

Sent from my Droid Bionic complete with typos and sarcasm.

04-30-2013, 04:59 PM

As a Professional Engineer, I dedicate my professional knowledge and skill to the advancement and betterment of human welfare.

I pledge:

To give the utmost of performance;
To participate in none but honest enterprise;
To live and work according to the laws of man and the highest standards of professional conduct;To place service before profit, the honor and standing of the profession before personal advantage, and the public welfare above all other considerations. <--seems like DeLapp skipped over that part

As a fisherman, I'm disgusted at the violation of our rights. As an Engineer, I'm disgusted at the violation of the Engineer's Creed. This is nothing more than an outrageous waste of taxpayer money and an infringement on our rights.

04-30-2013, 05:07 PM
Today, the Army Corps of Engineers posted the following News Release:

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District is beginning to implement permanent full-time waterborne restrictions around the 10 dams on the Cumberland River and its tributaries this week. Enforcement of these restrictions will be effective when the placement of buoys and sufficient signs is completed at each dam.

The installation of buoys and signs will continue through the spring and summer of 2013. The district will not be installing physical barriers at this time. Buoys and signs will be used to mark the restricted areas.

The district will be coordinating enforcement of the restrictions with the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources and the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency.

Please be aware that according to some very reliable sources, the last paragraph above is classic El Toro Poo Poo... Senators Alexander and McConnell have already responded. They are not sanctioning the installation of a single buoy nor any other device that restricts access to the tail-waters 24-7. Neither KDFWR nor TWRA will 'enforce' said restrictions; and federal law prevents the USACE from doing it. (Google 'Posse Comitatus Act')

The fight goes on. But, the other guy has a nose bleed. Your comments to your State legislators are getting through! I received notes today from Senators Jim Tracy and Terri Lynn Weaver, who said she was calling the Attorney General - again. Never Give up!

Thanks for all the work you have done on this. Yes I see a nose bleed there also.
