02-12-2013, 02:05 AM
Mr. Rayburn,
> My name is Doug Markham.
> I am a sportsman in Middle Tennessee and also the host of a weekly outdoors radio show on a local station.
> I have strongly opposed to the Corps of Engineers attempt to barricade our waters for several different reasons and fishing below dams
> is only one of those reasons since I might spend 8 or 10 days a year around them.
> There is no doubt in my mind that the current commander here has manipulated information to help reach his goal of blockading our waters.
> Despite some good work by your reporters, he has been able to use the Tennessean to some degree to repeat messages that are inaccurate and would not stand up to investigative reporting.
> We have a Lt. Col. that is ignoring our congressmen and our senators while he moves forward to change a tradition in Tennessee and Kentucky
> without regard to livelihoods, economy, opposition from the agencies that actually patrol our waters, and almost 100 percent opposition from those who understand this issue. He has also shown disrespect for the our elected representatives who in recent weeks--after having finally begin to grasp the subject and the facts behind it--have vehemently asked the commander for additional information and even personal consultation.
> His answer to them has thus far been not to answer them. That said, what has always been a serious issue is now a damned serious issue.
> From the first time he told his public affairs office to respond to the press the COE had nothing to say until it was ready--and that included the to Tennessean reporter Mike Organ-- to the memo I have attached here, this man in charge of the Nashville District Corps of Engineers has given himself much more importance than previous 60 commanders prior to him.
> I ask you to please consider researching this issue more deeply and to having reporters to research the actual safety records below our dams and the actual intent of the policy that this commander continues to say forces him to bring the Corps of Engineers into compliance with a national law.
> I have also written a letter to the editor, but it is probably too long for that format. I would like for you to consider allowing me to run it as an op-ed one day soon.
> The attached memo was sent less than two full days after last week's meeting at McGavock High School and after our Senator--Lamar Alexander--met with corps officials in Washington and asked them for a compromise. This commander has (at least so far) ignored Senator Alexander, seven our Tennessee congressmen, state wildlife agencies in Tennessee and Kentucky, and a Kentucky governor. My op-ed speaks to that.
> Attached is a memo I obtained because so many Corps employees disagree with this commander's tactics and I expect they don't like being told to keep quiet, even if its in a nice way. The name of the person it was sent to has been removed.
> Thank you for your time.
> Doug Markham
> Outdoors With Doug Markham
> <scancoenenofeb.pdf>
> My name is Doug Markham.
> I am a sportsman in Middle Tennessee and also the host of a weekly outdoors radio show on a local station.
> I have strongly opposed to the Corps of Engineers attempt to barricade our waters for several different reasons and fishing below dams
> is only one of those reasons since I might spend 8 or 10 days a year around them.
> There is no doubt in my mind that the current commander here has manipulated information to help reach his goal of blockading our waters.
> Despite some good work by your reporters, he has been able to use the Tennessean to some degree to repeat messages that are inaccurate and would not stand up to investigative reporting.
> We have a Lt. Col. that is ignoring our congressmen and our senators while he moves forward to change a tradition in Tennessee and Kentucky
> without regard to livelihoods, economy, opposition from the agencies that actually patrol our waters, and almost 100 percent opposition from those who understand this issue. He has also shown disrespect for the our elected representatives who in recent weeks--after having finally begin to grasp the subject and the facts behind it--have vehemently asked the commander for additional information and even personal consultation.
> His answer to them has thus far been not to answer them. That said, what has always been a serious issue is now a damned serious issue.
> From the first time he told his public affairs office to respond to the press the COE had nothing to say until it was ready--and that included the to Tennessean reporter Mike Organ-- to the memo I have attached here, this man in charge of the Nashville District Corps of Engineers has given himself much more importance than previous 60 commanders prior to him.
> I ask you to please consider researching this issue more deeply and to having reporters to research the actual safety records below our dams and the actual intent of the policy that this commander continues to say forces him to bring the Corps of Engineers into compliance with a national law.
> I have also written a letter to the editor, but it is probably too long for that format. I would like for you to consider allowing me to run it as an op-ed one day soon.
> The attached memo was sent less than two full days after last week's meeting at McGavock High School and after our Senator--Lamar Alexander--met with corps officials in Washington and asked them for a compromise. This commander has (at least so far) ignored Senator Alexander, seven our Tennessee congressmen, state wildlife agencies in Tennessee and Kentucky, and a Kentucky governor. My op-ed speaks to that.
> Attached is a memo I obtained because so many Corps employees disagree with this commander's tactics and I expect they don't like being told to keep quiet, even if its in a nice way. The name of the person it was sent to has been removed.
> Thank you for your time.
> Doug Markham
> Outdoors With Doug Markham
> <scancoenenofeb.pdf>