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01-16-2013, 04:05 PM
Thanks Rick !!! Members Copy and keep Pushing !!!! <'TK>< :)

Please ad my voice to the thousands of others, who will legally resist efforts to further restrict access to the tailwaters below Kentucky and Middle Tennessee dams.

All forms of hunting and fishing inherently hold some level of hazard to the participants. Statistically, traveling to-and-from the site of our chosen outdoor sport via our interstate highways, is more dangerous than the activity itself.

As your oft cited Code of Federal Regulations points out, the policy of the Corps of Engineers, is stated to include management of the natural, cultural, and developed resources of each project, “...in the public interest”. It is our intent, through our respective legislators; from both houses, and from both sides of the isle, to explain to Corps leadership just what those cultural interests are in Middle Tennessee and Kentucky.

While we sincerely thank you for your overall service to our country, we feel the planned action is unwarranted in a non-emergency situation, and that its method of autonomous, autocratic presentation to the public, will serve to revive the term, “Tennessee Volunteer”.


R.A. Duty

Gallatin, TN

cc: Hon. Lamar Alexander, Hon. Mitch McConnell, Hon. Rand Paul, Hon. Jim Whitfield, Hon. Dianne Black, Hon. Jim Cooper, T.Walker, D. Markham, et.al.

01-16-2013, 04:36 PM
where do I go to copy and paste all of our representative`s email addresses?

01-16-2013, 05:45 PM
I sent joanne mann, Lamar Alexander, rep. Mike Stewart district 52, and senator Douglas Henry multiple emails. I'm not sure who else to contact who is relevant. if you give me names I'll try to locate emails on my own.

01-16-2013, 07:10 PM

01-16-2013, 08:23 PM
where do I go to copy and paste all of our representative`s email addresses?

Rep/Cong. ... Alexander, Cooper, Corker, Black, and Blackburn

The cancellation of tonight's meeting may actually be a blessing. It gives those who care an opportunity to e-mail their U.S. congressman, and Sen. Alexander. Its as easy as posting on your forum... Just go to www.house.gov , and put your Zip code in the appropriate box. It will take you right to an email form for your specific representative.

Senator Alexander is a very powerful member of the Senate, sitting on many key committees. Even though he’s on our side, people need to keep writing, calling and FAX. Volume counts. Just Google Senator Alexander, and it will lead to many methods of contact, including one of the email forms.

By the way - Cooper isn’t even my representative, but you see, he was very responsive. Diane Black that represents Gallatin, has her FAX disconnected! At least in the Gallatin Office....

The only T.V. news team that has not responded directly to me, is Channel 2. This pause gives me the opportunity to write a public service release for the radio stations, and ask them to get the word out when a new date for the meeting is set. (Past info from Rick Duty)

01-16-2013, 08:50 PM
thanks tk

01-17-2013, 12:19 PM
Just got a text from a buddy, meeting rescheduled for Feb 5. Might want to check though.

01-17-2013, 02:52 PM
Just got a text from a buddy, meeting rescheduled for Feb 5. Might want to check though.

Rob, look at the top of the "Local fishing forum" page .... Thanks <'TK><:)

01-18-2013, 02:24 PM
I sent off another round of E-mails to Alexander, Corker, and Desjarlais.

Has anyone heard back from Desjarlais? I have never gotten a reply on my other 3 e-mails.:mad: