View Full Version : West Fork Stones Stocking Site

12-05-2012, 11:04 AM
Anybody know the stocking site on the West Fork Stones for the TWRA?

Their online map shows in town on the Greenway at the Manson Pike trailhead/boatramp (now Medical Center Blvd).

The Greenway technically closes 30 min before dusk, but I live close to a trailhead, and might just make a covert ninja trip tonight.

12-05-2012, 11:25 AM
Let me know if you find out. I work over on Thompson Lane. I am trying to find map.

12-05-2012, 11:38 AM
It looks like it is set for Nice Mill on Sulphur Springs Rd.

12-05-2012, 11:38 AM
I live by the Thompson Lane Greenway. The stocking point appears to be upriver at Manson Pike. So they should migrate to my house by the time I get home I hope?

http://www.tn.gov/twra/gis/troutpdf/WestForkStonesRiver_Murfreesboro_MansonPikeTrailhe ad.pdf

12-05-2012, 11:41 AM
This page lists Nice's Mill and West Fork Stones as seperate stock points


12-05-2012, 12:23 PM
bottom for each location. Shows exactly where they will drop the trout.


Travis C.
12-05-2012, 01:06 PM
bottom for each location. Shows exactly where they will drop the trout.


#21 Sulphur Fork Creek is inaccurate. The creek that is marked on the website isn't the creek that is stocked much less the stocking locations on the creek being right.

I have tried to get the to update it for the last 3 years and finally gave up. You'd think after talking to the people answering phones and the guy responsible for the stocking sites something would have happend by now. :confused:

12-05-2012, 01:37 PM
Just stopped by Dam at medical center pkwy. Few guys fly fishin but know one knew if trout were dropped yet. Caught a few gills on black trout magnet w/o float though.