View Full Version : Cell phone reception
10-17-2012, 05:06 PM
Here's an open question to all on this forum.
I have T-Mobile phone service now for my cell phone. I get terrible reception on the lakes, none at Dale Hollow, little on JPP, some on OH, etc.
How about everybody throwing in a comment on what cell service they use and how good is it at various lakes. We are about to hit our two year contract and would like to have more coverage as I get out and about quite a bit, often by myself. A cellphone is useless if I can't get a signal.
10-17-2012, 05:13 PM
Verizon. Service at all the lakes you named. Only places service suffers is in the lower caney, but all I really lose is my data connection, calls are fine.
10-17-2012, 05:14 PM
I have ATT and I never have issues on the lakes but I do have to deal with dropped calls and it's quite aggravating.:mad:
10-17-2012, 05:27 PM
Verizon! I get service pretty much everywhere, even on Tims Ford!
10-17-2012, 05:31 PM
Verizon, I only have trouble on the roads in low lying areas!
Fish Whisperer
10-17-2012, 06:41 PM
AT&T, sprint, tmobile phones are paper weights on Dale Hollow... That's the main reason I switched to Verizon a few years ago..
10-17-2012, 07:09 PM
Verizon. No problems.
Travis C.
10-17-2012, 07:34 PM
AT&T, sprint, tmobile phones are paper weights on Dale Hollow... That's the main reason I switched to Verizon a few years ago..
Same here. I used to fish the Obey a lot more than now and TMobile never had reception anywhere on the river. The closest was after leaving Celina on hwy 52.
There are some places that Verizon won't pick up but it's the best so far.
10-17-2012, 08:43 PM
Verizon with iPhone 4s and have no problems. Sometime data is weak in some remote areas but texting and calling is fine.
10-17-2012, 09:47 PM
Well, it sounds like Verizon is the way to go.
Most respondents vote for Verizon and they have Droid so my HTC Sensation will work with them and I won't have to learn another phone.
10-18-2012, 01:46 AM
Ive had good luck with Verizon. Atlest with the reception part. My data keeps being drooped lately though.
10-18-2012, 03:01 AM
Hey agelessone you still need to get an iPhone 5 or something especially if you sign a contract, at least you can sell it seeing as you are happy with your current phone. Now if you just do month to month with no contract then you won't need to get one. But if I knew I would be happy with Verizon and stay for 2 years, why not make some money off them!!!
10-18-2012, 08:21 AM
I don't know if I had a bad phone or what, but we had Iphone 4's last year when we started here. My phone had terrible sound quality, could hardly understand people on speaker.
That's when we switched to the Droids and I'm happy as I can be with them. Have all the apps that I want and/or need plus, now I'm familiar with it.
I probably would just sign the contract and then sell the phones.
Reel Tune
10-18-2012, 09:06 AM
Verizon here, been with them for 13 years or so. I don't have a SMART phone just a G'z One. The only place I've had trouble are spots around Dale Hollow on the road. Usually low lying areas with lots of rock around me. Wife has had a Droid for about 1.5yr and likes it. It's starting to have issues now where she has to reboot it. My 2 yr commitment is up in Feb and I'll be going to a SMART phone but not sure if I'll go Droid or iPhone.
Verizon is the best. Sprint seems to be the second best - they used to be terrible but their coverage has improved substantially in the last few years. I even have Sprint coverage for the entire drive up Hwy 52 to Celina now. There used to be about a 45 minute dead zone there (which I got stranded in the middle of one time - long walk! ).
Still not as good as Verizon though.
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10-22-2012, 05:25 PM
Verizon. I get reception everywhere I fish and hunt in Mid TN except for once small area I rabbit hunt in on the Dickson/Cheatham County border. Now if I could just get some sort of luck when I hunt!
10-22-2012, 08:17 PM
Thanks for all the input, gentlemen. Looks like Verizon is the winner, hands down.
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