View Full Version : Pickwick?

Spencer L
04-27-2012, 05:40 PM
Making a trip to Pickwick next week and I'm clueless on where to start. I know some of you have been that way lately so anyone want to share a little information. What they are biting and where they are staging maybe? Oh we are putting in at the MS/TN state line.

Thanks in advance, Spencer

04-27-2012, 07:12 PM
Making a trip to Pickwick next week and I'm clueless on where to start. I know some of you have been that way lately so anyone want to share a little information. What they are biting and where they are staging maybe? Oh we are putting in at the MS/TN state line.

Thanks in advance, Spencer

What are you fishing for? If you let me know might can give you some general locations of Crappie...Smallmouth.....Bluegill.


Spencer L
04-28-2012, 05:07 PM
Large and smallmouth. Would really like to get on some smallies. Never had got on them real good anywhere.