03-30-2012, 09:56 PM
Decided to go to VFW to try out the new Coosa. Had to wait out a pretty steady...heavy rain for about and hour. There is an old sofa at the game checking station on the front porch so sat there just listening to the rain and watching wildlife..pretty neat. Put the boat in the water even though it was a slow drizzle. Spent the first 45 minutes trying all the holes I was used to fishing from the bank. Was not catching much of anything and looked out to the middle of the lake. Saw what I assumed were trout rising. Paddled over and started casting. Not trout one but started catching huge Gills....most from one half to three quarters of a pound...and had the occasional one pounder hit. What a day. No pics as the rain never let up down there. Plus I got to tell you I have to get used to fishing from a yak. Just not comfortable doing too much reaching around in it yet. Fished for 4 hours and landed over 80 big Gills. Spotted some Shell Cracker on bed and will try for them when my son goes down with me Sunday. If my aching back and muscles come around I am going to love this type of fishing.