02-27-2012, 08:53 PM
After PT this morning drove over to Normandy to catch some stocker trout. Well same as last week and the week before into trout of a size that are normally not there. Using 2# test line and 2# test leader had my drag set accordingly......but these little footballs were pulling some drag today and did not want to come to net. Put the tape on just one so I could verify what I was catching....14 inches. It was a lot of fun. Ed Krech was there today and he was also talking about how big the fish were. Seems the parking lot at the Elk was closed for some reason so he came on over to Normandy. I only caught about 50 fish today.....but the water is at 260 CFS...normally should be 100 or less. They should slow the flow down any day as it is at the time to start bringing lake up for summer.....then should get back into 100 fish a day or more.