View Full Version : The Alabama Rig
Travis C.
10-31-2011, 08:25 AM
What do you guys think about this?
TWRA has already ruled it legal as long as there are a max of three baits. I believe that is the most recent but I could be wrong as it wast pretty talked about.
10-31-2011, 09:47 AM
I don't really know how I feel about it. I can remember years ago....before they became illegal....when folks at Pickwick used huge umbrella rigs for Striper fishing. Those guys would use 90# test line to pull those through the water and I just did not see the sport or fun in it. For years at Pickwick people would use two jigs attached to one line to fish for Whites during their spawn....often catching two fish on every cast and having a limit after 15 casts...that is when the limit was 30. But that is really not in comparison to umbrella rigs. I am going Crappie fishing tomorrow and last night I was reading about the Alabama rig and thought about putting 2 Trout Magnets on my line...about 2 feet apart...and see if I could hook up with two Crappie at the same time. But I guess the best part would be having two baits going through the same zone where fish are holding and you statistically double your chances of hooking up with a fish. It would not surprise me to see this thing banned at BASS Tournaments. If for no other reason there are several states they go to that they can't legally fish like that.
As far as I'm concerned, it's the creel limit that is important. If you limit the number of fish a guy can take home, what difference does it make how many lures or rods he uses to catch them?
I know there is some small amount of mortality even when fish are released immediately, but I seriously doubt it's significant enough that there's a meaningful difference between fishing with one lure or an umbrella rig.
10-31-2011, 10:42 AM
As far as I'm concerned, it's the creel limit that is important. If you limit the number of fish a guy can take home, what difference does it make how many lures or rods he uses to catch them?
I know there is some small amount of mortality even when fish are released immediately, but I seriously doubt it's significant enough that there's a meaningful difference between fishing with one lure or an umbrella rig.
I would agree with that statement with a few exceptions. One thing I hate to see is during winter trout stocks, when you have some jerk that has 15 rods out with power bait. Not only do gut hooked trout have a good chance of dying if released. Which these guys always take their limit if the fish are biting, then continue fishing. They also spread their rods out taking up an entire area so no one else can fish without tangling them.
Same thing at the steam plant, when some guy anchors in the middle of the channel and puts out 15 rods, blocking everyone else from fishing.
You don't have to be courteous or intelligent to buy a fishing license.
I don't see a problem with the A-rig, but would like to see a limit on the amount of rods each person can have in the water at one time. Same with jugs, I'd like to see that number reduced too.
My opinion has less to do with being sporting and more to do with being fair and courteous to others trying to use the resource.
As far as the A-rig goes for tournaments, it should be the same as it always has. You have to follow the regs of the State you are fishing in.
Travis C.
10-31-2011, 10:57 AM
I am going Crappie fishing tomorrow and last night I was reading about the Alabama rig and thought about putting 2 Trout Magnets on my line...about 2 feet apart...and see if I could hook up with two Crappie at the same time.
Growing up I always fished with two tube jigs on at the same time for crappie. A slight twitch retreive was killer but I can't remember ever cathing two at a time but it did pick up the pace of the catching at times.
As far as this in general fish terms, I don't really have a problem with it as long as regs are followed.
Tourney fishing I think they should either keeps rules the same being by state or ban it all together especially on the elite levels. The guys up there can do without it. I feel like this would be same as allowing a metal bat in the pros. They are pretty good with the wood bats this would only pad stats and dillute the achievements.
10-31-2011, 11:32 AM
As far as I'm concerned, it's the creel limit that is important. If you limit the number of fish a guy can take home, what difference does it make how many lures or rods he uses to catch them?
I know there is some small amount of mortality even when fish are released immediately, but I seriously doubt it's significant enough that there's a meaningful difference between fishing with one lure or an umbrella rig.
I am not sure why TN banned umbrella rigs but here is what I saw a lot..and it was disturbing. People would fish with those in the middle of Summer...very hot...and as I am sure you know the lactic acid builds up fighting a Striper in such warm water that they usually die even after being released. Years back I would be fishing on a point below Pickwick Dam and I would see many five to 15 pound Stripers come floating by me. I don't target them in the Summer as TWRA asks and I am paraphrasing here "After you catch your limit of two fish that you are keeping quit fishing for them". What impact the A rig will cause I have no clue but I saw a few places on-line and on a couple of fishing shows where the guy that is making these has...along with his orders and what he has already 200,000. That number is just going to get higher. I have no dog in this fight as long as fishing reg are followed.
In situations where most of the fish will die, like deep-water stripers in the summer, I'd actually prefer to see TWRA impose a no-release rule. As you said, catch your limit and quit. Even then, it's not so much a matter of how many rods or how many hooks a person is fishing. A guy fishing with one or two rods all day long and releasing fish that are going to die is just as wrong.
10-31-2011, 12:44 PM
In situations where most of the fish will die, like deep-water stripers in the summer, I'd actually prefer to see TWRA impose a no-release rule. As you said, catch your limit and quit. Even then, it's not so much a matter of how many rods or how many hooks a person is fishing. A guy fishing with one or two rods all day long and releasing fish that are going to die is just as wrong.
I agree with that. Most Striper fisherman in Middle TN have no clue how hot that water gets below the dam at Pickwick. Last year I measured 92 degrees at surface. Below Cordell Hull....even in the middle of Summer that water is far colder.
clean air
10-31-2011, 07:54 PM
What ever happened to using one or two rods with one hook on each.I use 2 crappie jigs for skips but if there biting good I will break one fish off.Then throw one jig.I have seen guys use big ubrella rigs at the steamplant and its overkill.The guys with one skip out do the best anyway.WHY?
10-31-2011, 08:10 PM
My understanding is that in TN there can only be one "bait" on an umbrella rig with a hook. KY does not have this rule...guides on Lake Cumberland (KY) routinely run umbrella rigs with multiple hooks, they also stop fishing once you reach your limit.
I don't see any reason run multiple hooks on a rig where your creel limit is two.
Travis C.
10-31-2011, 08:38 PM
My understanding is that in TN there can only be one "bait" on an umbrella rig with a hook. KY does not have this rule...guides on Lake Cumberland (KY) routinely run umbrella rigs with multiple hooks, they also stop fishing once you reach your limit.
I don't see any reason run multiple hooks on a rig where your creel limit is two.
"Umbrella a rigs are defined as an array of more than 3 artificial lures or baits (with or without hooks) used by a single rod and reel combination. If the hook size is 6 or larger, then only one lure or bait may have a hook and that hook must be a single hook."
I know its kinda got split off to about stripers but this is mainly dealing with it's recent start up in the professional ranks of bass fishing. I can't see any reason to run them for striper especially since there are only two you can keep but they would seem to be incredibly effective.
10-31-2011, 08:53 PM
I guess I am old school. Fish one bait on a couple of rods. Why is fishng about numbers?
It is not how many you is about the experience and taking a few home to eat and leaving the rest for our children and grandchildren.
Sorry, I am in a pensive mood. I want to enjoy the sport and leave future memories to our children.....(BTW, I have an 8 month old grandson thay I want to enjoy the outdoors as I have.:)
10-31-2011, 09:55 PM
Amen, Randy.
For what it's worth, a rig simulating an entire school of baitfish is common practice in saltwater and fairly common in fresh. Since TWRA allows only a single hook if the hook is above a size 6, then current regs already make the AL-rig illegal to use with hooks that would be efficient for stripers. A size 6 hook, unless it is a very uncommon one of extra thick diameter steel, will not tolerate much force before straightening, nor will it accommodate a very sizable lure or bait. To an ethical angler (operative word: ethical), this pretty much eliminates the AL rig for anything but panfish due to ill-matched tackle. If only 3 lures are used, the rig is legal, and I don't see a huge problem with this in a legal perspective, but if the creel limit is two stripers/hybrids, and safe release of the extra fish fish is dicey at best, why run the risk? I know some will say the can fish if they want as long as they don't take home more than their limit, or they ALWAYS make sure fish swim away fine, or some other bs justification to abuse a fishery, but the simple fact is that when trolling rigs are used most often is during the hottest months and released fish are in trouble from the start. Use some caution, and be okay with catching less fish. I know some THINK they NEED to use this style of fishing to be productive, but I will be willing to tell them how I can find quality fish in fisheries that promote healthy releases that can be caught with 1 rod slinging 1 lure.
I hope that anglers don't see the AL-rig as bass fishing's new superlure and go nuts using it on waters that may not allow it, but, unfortunately, only time will tell.
10-31-2011, 10:21 PM
Amen, Randy.
For what it's worth, a rig simulating an entire school of baitfish is common practice in saltwater and fairly common in fresh. Since TWRA allows only a single hook if the hook is above a size 6, then current regs already make the AL-rig illegal to use with hooks that would be efficient for stripers. A size 6 hook, unless it is a very uncommon one of extra thick diameter steel, will not tolerate much force before straightening, nor will it accommodate a very sizable lure or bait. To an ethical angler (operative word: ethical), this pretty much eliminates the AL rig for anything but panfish due to ill-matched tackle.
I hope that anglers don't see the AL-rig as bass fishing's new superlure and go nuts using it on waters that may not allow it, but, unfortunately, only time will tell.
They have already gone nuts over I stated earlier.....200,000 of these things are either sold or on order....probably more by now. Paul Elias just won 100 grand in a tournament in Alabama with it. He almost came up to the dam at Nickajack to fish...had he done so and been caught that would have been quite a story for BASS. But the tournament organizer said only fishing in Alabama was allowed. In the 90's I saw similar rigs used for Stripers below Pickwick. Using 90# test me is just out there. Plus I don't see the fun in it. I saw some videos of the A rig in action. I used 80# test in the 80's and 90's fishing in the Red Sea and Persian Gulf but I was hooking up with fish from 40 pounds to approaching 200 pounds. I don't know what #test they are using with it but it has to be quite hefty. Ethical...that is going to be up to each individual angler as ethics and laws are two different things. I wouldn't use it...but then again fishing is not what puts money in my bank. I still say the thing will be banned within a year by Bass tournaments.....and maybe even some more states will ban umbrella rigs.
10-31-2011, 10:29 PM
Man! This is all way over my head. I just moved here 7 months ago from MN where you are only allowed to use one rod per angler and on that rod you may only have one "lure". Which is either a single hook, or a treble hook which has to have a spinner on it or attached to a artificial bait to be legal.
Also it is absolutely illegal to cull. Once a fish is reduced to "possession" it is illegal to release back in to the wild(the only exception is catch and release tournaments with live weigh ins). Also if you have your limit in the livewell or basket or stringer. You can no longer fish for that species because if you catch another one and it is in your hands and you also have your limit in your livewell. Well you are now one over your limit! I have known people who have been ticketed for that! It is crazy how liberal the laws are down here compared to MN!
The fact that you can use more than one line to me is more than enough. Why would you want to have multiple lures on one line!! Just my comparison to what i have had to fish with my life in MN.
11-01-2011, 07:15 AM
Man! This is all way over my head. I just moved here 7 months ago from MN where you are only allowed to use one rod per angler and on that rod you may only have one "lure". Which is either a single hook, or a treble hook which has to have a spinner on it or attached to a artificial bait to be legal.
Also it is absolutely illegal to cull. Once a fish is reduced to "possession" it is illegal to release back in to the wild(the only exception is catch and release tournaments with live weigh ins). Also if you have your limit in the livewell or basket or stringer. You can no longer fish for that species because if you catch another one and it is in your hands and you also have your limit in your livewell. Well you are now one over your limit! I have known people who have been ticketed for that! It is crazy how liberal the laws are down here compared to MN!
The fact that you can use more than one line to me is more than enough. Why would you want to have multiple lures on one line!! Just my comparison to what i have had to fish with my life in MN.
I'll bet MN did not allow explosives as bait either. Welcome to the south.:D
Travis C.
11-01-2011, 07:22 AM
I have seen bunches to fly-by-the-night lures come up over the years and about every top pro has or had some silly looking lure that they endorsed at one time. From the flying lure, helicopter lure to banjo minnow this though is a completely different animal and an unfair advantage to those who don't have it on tour. It's not like when the Strike King Series 6XD or Red Eye Shad came out and was/is tearing up certain lakes. Anyone can get them and everyone had them in the boat regardless of sponsorship. This is only one place tha makes them and can easily make it hard to get for certain people not to mention the ethical or regulations surrounding the bait.
KVD has a lure setup he developed that is not similiar but in the ballpark called a Double Zulu Rig. Its a very heavy line to a barrel swivel then 18" leader to a soft shad above the barrel swivel is a free floating barrel swivel and a 12" leader tied to it with soft shad.
Its two hooks and absolutely crazy coming through the water looking like shad scattering when chased by something.
Travis C.
11-01-2011, 07:47 AM
One thing that can be certain with this rig is ALOT of the big tackle manufacturers are watching it closely if not already in the works of their own.
11-01-2011, 04:04 PM
I'll bet MN did not allow explosives as bait either. Welcome to the south.:D
No doubt!! Trot lines! Jug fishing!! All illegal in MN! Its a whole new world to me down here! Anyone want to take me jug fishing! HAHA!
I don't think it is too big of a deal. It will definitely work in specific situations like most lures. I have been tinkering with a very similar lure for fall fishing on OH for the past couple years. Big difference is the TN regulations so the design is different.
During the fall, the bass chase shad on the flats and you need something that looks like a school of bait to get some attention. My long time go to bait of a double white crappie jig does the same thing, but the alabama rig is better designed to use with bass sized lures.
A couple draw backs with this lure. One it will be snaggy so when bass are not out chasing it will be a poor choice, plus it will be expensive when you lose it. Two, it will be overkill with the tackle for typical bass, so while you will catch some it wont be very fun. Maybe good for a tournament, but not sure I would want to do this all the time.
It will be a white/striped bass killer. That is what I would use it for mostly, as they really go after shad schools hard.
I doubt it will effect fishing as much as the new electronics do. They really change the biggest problem in fishing which is finding them first. If you are on lots of fish, there are multiple ways to catch them. The alabama rig will be a good choice in some of those situations.
My 2 cents :)
No doubt!! Trot lines! Jug fishing!! All illegal in MN! Its a whole new world to me down here! Anyone want to take me jug fishing! HAHA!
I would be glad to take you jug fishing some time. There is an art to it, just like any other fishing. Plus it is a really cool method to understand how fish are moving across a big open flat. I have probably learned more about catfish with jugs then any other method.
It is amazing how many 5 to 15 lb catfish are feeding in shallow water during the middle of the day. People always say you need to catfish at night, but why when they bite great at noon :)
Plus it is great for supplying a fish fry party!
Now back to the Alabama rig discussion....I think the LSU rig beats it by 7 :)
No doubt!! Trot lines! Jug fishing!! All illegal in MN! Its a whole new world to me down here! Anyone want to take me jug fishing! HAHA!
I went fishing one morning last July in Barton's Creek, and there was a group of several boats working together that must have had 500 or more jugs out. There were jugs all the way from the back end of the creek all the way out to the main river channel, plus several jugs in the back of nearly every cove. I've never seen anything like it. Who needs that many catfish???
I went fishing one morning last July in Barton's Creek, and there was a group of several boats working together that must have had 500 or more jugs out. There were jugs all the way from the back end of the creek all the way out to the main river channel, plus several jugs in the back of nearly every cove. I've never seen anything like it. Who needs that many catfish???
There are always people with no morals....
Travis C.
11-02-2011, 12:23 PM
Now back to the Alabama rig discussion....I think the LSU rig beats it by 7 :)
I am looking forward to seeing how that plays out. No dog in the hunt for me just good old fashioned laying on the couch watching football.
11-02-2011, 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by Jim
Now back to the Alabama rig discussion....I think the LSU rig beats it by 7
I'm with you, Jim. All hail the Mad Hatter!
Travis C.
11-02-2011, 05:06 PM
Well here is an interesting stat.
FLW Walmart series on Guntersville 10/23
Elias won $100,000 using this rig
FLW EverStart Championship series on KY Lake this past weekend
Morehead won $50,000 using this rig.
Not to mention the other guys in the top 10 at least half were using it.
11-02-2011, 05:33 PM
Well here is an interesting stat.
FLW Walmart series on Guntersville 10/23
Elias won $100,000 using this rig
FLW EverStart Championship series on KY Lake this past weekend
Morehead won $50,000 using this rig.
Not to mention the other guys in the top 10 at least half were using it.
It is also interesting that TWRA has a post about it on their web site.
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