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04-06-2020, 12:13 PM
Yesterday jamb packed Went out of Stewart’s creek, almost left, no parking.
Parked in grass/mud. Launched and fought my way through a flotilla of boats up the creek. Took me 45 minutes to take out at around 2:30 and still had 10+ trucks waiting to put in.

Busiest I’ve ever seen. So much for social distancing.

Coach B
04-06-2020, 01:02 PM
Same here. I tried Fate Sanders about 2:00, about 10 taking out and 5 or 6 trying to put in. I was able to turn around and went to Lamar Hill. It was crowded, but manageable. Closing Long Hunter and Bryant's Grove probably didn't help the crowding at other ramps. We were patient, kept our distance, and enjoyed a couple hours on the water.