View Full Version : Jpp 2-3-18

02-03-2018, 07:56 PM
Put in Jefferson Springs around 9:00 for some Crappie fishing. Started spider rigging a split offering of jigs and minnows. Very slow at first and then found a few that wanted the minnows. Switched over to minnows only and ended up boating 18 of which 13 were keepers and loosing another 5 while netting. Ran out of bait at noon.

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02-03-2018, 08:35 PM
nice report! congratulations on the catch. what did you see for water temperatures?

02-03-2018, 08:54 PM
Im curious about water temps as well. I'm also having trouble loading pictures.

02-03-2018, 10:00 PM
43 degrees

02-03-2018, 11:02 PM
As of now I am going tomorrow. I plan on putting in at Jefferson and fishing some of my winter spots. I hope I do as well as you did. I wont be on the water till 2 or so.

02-04-2018, 08:11 AM
I was planning on going again but not sure how the rain effected things.