View Full Version : Caney 12/26/2017

12-27-2017, 10:17 AM
It was miserable cold, almost hateful.
Hands burning, cheeks rosy, eye cracking as they froze shut, windy, whiny, wicked.

Then I caught an 18" brown and all was forgiven.

A Buddhist once noted that every hour you spend fishing is subtracted from your life when you die- like extra credit- as close to God as a man can get. Maybe it negates some of the evils we have done.... if so I am off again today.

If you find a frozen corpse, fishing pole in hand, smiling like a maniac, that's me. If my bail is open, close it. If I get a bite, set the hook for me.

Happy Fishing Folks. When you are fishing, everyday is Christmas!


12-27-2017, 11:31 AM
Nice post, .. funny and i know exactly what you mean. .. good luck and hope you catch a few trophy's!!

12-27-2017, 02:05 PM
Good luck, they are moving quite a bit of water thru. You in the boat or bankin it?


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12-27-2017, 03:56 PM
Very slow this year.
2.5 months of monster stripers in the froth below Caney has thinned the herd.
A lot of fellows on the shore noted few and far between this year.

12-27-2017, 07:40 PM
Good, I thought it was just me.
But if you say it’s slow I know it’s slow, I feel a bit better.

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12-27-2017, 08:23 PM
We caught fish last weekend on the caney like crazy between 3 of us we had well over 40 fish. Decent size trout too . I love fishing this time of year down there

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