View Full Version : kbtn

12-21-2016, 07:40 PM
Anyone know if they are planning on having the kayak bass fishing series this year?

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Reel Tune
01-14-2017, 02:51 PM
Sorry for the delayed response.

KBFTN will host 4 Tuesday night events and 4 weekend events.

4/22-4/23 Season Opener at Bledsoe Creek State Park(Old Hickory Lake wide launch)

5/13( Saturday) KBF EVENT ON BARKLEY http://www.kayakbassfishing.com/kbf-trail-series/

5/23(Tuesday) Anderson Road Rec Area, Percy Priest

6/3(Saturday) Lower Percy Priest. Four ramp options(Fall Creek, Jefferson Springs, West Fork Rec Area, and East Fork Rec Area)

6/13(Tuesday) WINNER'S PICK - Winning angler from the June 3rd event picks a ramp within one hour of Nashville.

6/24(Saturday) Cumberland River in Ashland City. Two Ramp Options(Stewart Creek and Pardue Boat Launch)

7/11(Tuesday) Smith Springs Rec Area, Percy Priest

7/25(Tuesday) Shutes Branch, Old Hickory

8/5(Saturday)Season Closer on Percy Priest/Stones River(Open lake launch)


Also, KBFTN, with the Clarksville guys will host a KBF event in Dover, TN on Saturday, May 13th. This will not be part of our trail but we highly recommend everyone going.