View Full Version : Finally a desent day

05-16-2016, 07:29 AM
My son and I have fish old hickory the last couple week trying to figure out what to do in gambler tourny Sunday. Had caught very few. I prolly wouldn't have fished it but son has fishing bug as bad as I believe I ever had.
Caught 2 keepers in station camp and moved to the river channel and caught 2 more. They were only 14-16 but with about 20 short fish we had a good time. Most fish came on black finesse worms and black/blue jigs.

05-18-2016, 07:32 AM
Your son is lucky to have you as his Dad. Sounds like great memories! Thanks for sharing. Any pix?

05-18-2016, 08:10 AM
Sorry no pics this trip but I will have some to show if we find them like we did last summer. Was happy to catch what we did with that cold front and muddy water til we got to the scales. Lot of fish caught. Our day wil come.