View Full Version : side image/striper question

09-28-2015, 04:54 PM
There are alot of guys on here that pull boards in the cumberland and its tributaries and i was just thinking if anybody has ever seen them beasts on thier side imaging units amongst the shoreline cover.
That would be pretty cool to see a fish or 2 on the graph then a few seconds later see some action on the boards.
I have neither a side image nor boards but it just made me wonder. Lol

09-28-2015, 06:04 PM
I watched a video on youtube of exactly that. It was shallow water winter fishing and you could see everything, bait and stripers. I have a little side imager that I have been slowly getting acquainted with. That video made me give it a second look. I've been using the SI in the creeks to find bait so far and am getting the hang of what I'm seeing now. I hope to deploy this technique in the near future.

09-28-2015, 07:20 PM
Thats awesome! i need to look for those videos.
Be cool if they made wireless cameras to float on a ballon thru all that cover and send the image to your phone or ipad to get real time video of whats lurking and waiting for a meal to swim by.

09-28-2015, 08:56 PM
I looked for the video again and can't find it at the moment, it didn't have a real conspicuous name. Found it after bouncing around from video to video. I'll try and find it again and link it.

09-28-2015, 10:16 PM
I don't run planner boards for striper....will cast for stripers a couple of times a year. But I can assure you if you can see crappie in cover from 145 feet out with side imaging striper are a piece of cake. If you have a 10 inch unit or bigger they will stand out like a barn door. More often than not ...especially on the smaller 7 and 8 inch screens you learn to look for the shadows of the fish. As for picking out that one rouge striper as you pass him by....or he swims by you.....once you are familiar with an si unit you will know it in a heart beat. I have not had a chance to look for stripers yet as I used my si unit on a kayak for over a year.....wasn't in waters where striper would be. But in the next two months I should be able to show you some si images of stripers since I now have a boat and will be fishing below Pickwick.
