04-30-2015, 08:25 PM
Haven't posted in a while. Been busy with a lot of things...selling kayaks....Trout Magnet duties....root canal....sinus infection...trying to get a boat built. Been doing great on crappie out of Center Hill catching multiple limits of big black nose...Smallies at decent day of Gills at VFW Lake. A few really good shell cracker here and there. But a lot of days have been tough...meaning my Gill spots have not turned on and some old crappie spots are not doing well. I am fishing from the bank now...except when browntrout loans me his wife's Lure 10 kayak...and until I get the deal on my boat finished. Had a great day at Normandy today with over 70 trout caught on a Bison colored Trout Magnet using SOS 2# test line and 2# test Phantom fluorocarbon leader. There were a couple of Spotted bass in the mix as well. Caught these fish in heavy current in the catch basin right below the dam...a lot of fun. The new JDM ultra light rods I have been using are simply phenomenal rods. The sensitivity scale is off the charts. Life is good!